Ensibuuko App – connecting farmers with markets. Presented by : Opio Obwangamoi David Tel: th June 2013
Introduction Ensibuuko is an information supply and sales management system that harnesses the power of mobile and web technologies by connecting farmers with potential markets of goods, financial services, farming service and other stake holder in the farming fraternity.
Our vision: “Farmers who are self- sustainable, knowledgeable, economically progressing while living a decent life“ Our mission: “To link farmers to sustainable potential market sources and supportive stakeholder (private and public), organization through ICT and networking”
Overview of the farmer ecosystem Our power is centered on information supply and sales management system that harnesses the power of mobile and web technologies by connecting farmers with potential markets of goods, financial services and equipment to buyers and vice versa. In Uganda alone, 10 million people, or about 30% of the population, own a mobile phone, and that number is growing rapidly every year. For Ugandans, these ubiquitous devices are more than just a handy way of communicating on the fly: they are a way of life. This is a prominent evidence for the growth the business in life impacting, transformation and more job creation
Ensibuuko Supply Chain Ensibuuko Supply Chain
How to Register as an Agent ensi agent ensi agent Evelyn mutungo kampala 2 TYPE….. Example
Send message to … SEND TO
Farmer Registration re
Connecting Farmers to Markets with SMS
Make Orders when making purchases of fertilizer, seeds, etc.
Receive Money for your products
Handling nationwide surveys
Partnerships Cultural Institutions like Kingdoms and churches Non Governmental Organizations Community Based Organizations IMFs Traders organizations Countries Companies dealing in farming services and materials Research Institutions