Counselors and Graduation Coach: › Mr. Young 11 th -12 th Grade Last Names A-H Business & Entrepreneurship SLC › Mr. Cone 11 th -12 th Grade Last Names I-Q Biomedical Sciences & Engineering SLC › Mrs. Oliver 11 th -12 th Grade Last Names R-Z Public Policy & Justice SLC › Mrs. Blankenship 10 th -12 th Grade Magnet Students (A-Z) Communications & Journalism SLC › Mrs. Gray Graduation Coach › Ms. Lexi Netto Counseling Intern
Welcome Junior Night Parent Meeting
The College and Career Connection (CCC) is a valuable resource for Grady students and parents to become better informed about opportunities after high school. The CCC contains information on college placement exams, four-year colleges, community colleges, technical schools, scholarships, summer opportunities, financial aid, military service, and much more. CCC is a joint project of the school counselors and parent volunteers. We partner with the Writing Center (located in the Media Center) to assist students with college essay development.
College visits by recruiters and admissions personnel On-line sign up for ACT, SAT, SAT II On-line access to the Common Application On-line college, career, and scholarship research College recruiter’s contact information College and Career Seminars Passes to meet college representatives Assistance from CCC Volunteers
Satisfy attendance requirements Successfully complete the required high school coursework Complete 75 hours of community service Take the End of Course Tests (EOCT) for EOCT subjects Pass the Writing part of the Georgia High School Graduation Test (GHSGT) Pass English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science parts of the GHSGT OR one of the two subject-area EOCT tests
Core Credits Language Arts 4 credits Math 4 credits Science 4 credits Social Studies 3.5 credits Foreign Language 2 credits Total Core Credits 17.5 credits Electives Credits Fine Arts or Career/Technology 1 credit Health & Physical Education 1.5 credits Thematic Pathways 3.5 credits Community Service 0.5 credit Total Credits Required to Graduate 24 credits
Cohort 1 Students who enter grade 9 for the first time in SY or after Must pass the GHSWT to be eligible for diploma Are not required to take or pass GHSGT ( test not administered) Are required to pass courses* associated with EOCT, with EOCT contributing 20% to course grade Are not required to pass EOCT Cohort 2 Students who entered grade 9 for the first time between July 2008 and June 2011 Must pass the GHSWT to be eligible for diploma Must pass one of the two subject- area EOCT or the corresponding subject-area GHSGT Are required to pass courses associated with EOCT, with EOCT contributing 15% to course grade
High School Diploma Meet the requirements for a high school diploma and earn a B average, 3.0 GPA in core courses if pursuing a College Preparatory Diploma or 3.2 GPA if pursuing a Technology-Career Preparatory Diploma. Every grade earned in core academic courses (English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Foreign Language) will be used in calculating Grade Point Average (GPA) for HOPE eligibility. “Fs” are not replaced by a higher grade if a core academic course is repeated. Also, if a student earns more core academic credits than required, all core grades will be used to determine HOPE eligibility.
Public & Private Colleges HOPE covers a percentage of the tuition. Full-time enrollment is not required. Award amounts are based on tuition rates by institution. Private Colleges Full-time students may be eligible for the Georgia Tuition Equalization Grant. Recipients receive an award of $233 per quarter or $350 per semester. Out of State Colleges HOPE Scholarship does not pay outside of the state of Georgia.
High School Diploma Meet the requirements for a high school diploma and earn an “A” average, 3.7 GPA in core courses and at least 1200 on Math and Reading/Verbal portion of SAT in one test administration or at least 26 composite score on ACT. Valedictorian and Salutatorian who meet HOPE eligibility are also eligible for this scholarship. Zell Miller Scholarship covers full tuition at public college/university for full-time enrollment (12 hours or more). Scholarship covers $4, per academic year at private college/university for full- time enrollment (12 hours or more). Learning support/remedial coursework is not eligible to be covered under the Zell Miller Scholarship or HOPE Scholarship, GPA for HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarships are calculated by Georgia Student Finance Commission.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) OR Complete the Georgia Student Financial Aid Application System (GSFAPPS) Application at For additional information about these program visit
HOPE GRANT High School Diploma or GED Covers a percentage of tuition at a Georgia public technical college, pubic college/university if enrolled in a degree, certificate or diploma program. HOPE GED Grant is a one time $ HOPE award that can be used towards tuition, books, and other educational costs at a Georgia public technical college, pubic college/university. A 3.0 GPA is not required for the HOPE Grant.
Two and Four Year Colleges/Universities Vocational/Technical Schools Armed Services Army Navy Air Force Marine Corps Coast Guard National Guard
End of Course Tests (EOCT) Mathematics I: Algebra/Geometry/Statistics Mathematics II: Geometry/Algebra II/Statistics United States History Economics Biology Physical Science Ninth Grade Literature and Composition American Literature and Composition Georgia High School Graduation Tests (GHSGWT & GHSGT) Writing English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies PSAT/SAT/ACT
ACCEL is a state-funded program which provides students the opportunity to earn college credit while enrolled jointly at Henry Grady High School and any GA College/University. Once accepted, students take advantage of a split schedule (half day Grady half day College). Students accepted into the ACCEL program enjoy the same privileges and opportunities as those enrolled as a college freshman. Course tuition and Hope-eligible fees are paid by ACCEL for students accepted into the program, provided they meet Georgia residency requirements, are U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals, or have permanent resident alien status.
Overview Move on When Ready provides opportunities for high school juniors and seniors to enroll full-time (12 semester hours) in postsecondary institutions to earn both high school and college credits simultaneously. Student participation is based on semester to semester or quarter to quarter participation. Attendance is only allowed during the normal fall and spring semesters of the high school and college school year. Summer school is not allowed for MOWR participation. Students are eligible to participate in Move on When Ready if they are entering 11 th or 12 th grade Students seeking to enroll under MOWR must meet the dual enrollment/MOWR requirements as set by the eligible institution in addition to the GaDOE guidelines.
Eligible Institutions All units of the University System of Georgia, All branches of the Technical College System of Georgia Coursework Once admitted to an eligible postsecondary institution, the participating Move on When Ready student will take all coursework at or through the eligible institution or their virtual courses approved by the Georgia State Board of Education. Courses may be taken during the traditional public school day or beyond the regular hours. Move on When Ready courses to be used must be selected from the current Accel or Dual Enrollment Course Directory.
Testing Requirements Move on When Ready students must meet all state assessment requirements, including End of Course Tests, End of Pathway Assessments and the Georgia High School Graduation Tests. Awarding Credit Students who participate in Move on When Ready will earn high school credit for courses successfully completed at an eligible post secondary institution. Credit earned must be used to meet state and local graduation requirements. Funding Funding for Move on When Ready is provided through the local school system’s equivalent (FTE) program count as determined by the Georgia Department of Education. Move on When Ready course hours do not count against any maximum hourly caps for HOPE scholarships or grants. All books and any additional course hours above the required 12 for full time are the responsibility of the student/parents/guardians. Prior to enrolling, the parent/guardian and the student who elects to participate will sign a Participation Permission Form stating that they have received the counseling and they understand the student responsibilities they are assuming. Eligible students who do not participate after they have enrolled must return to their local high school and be assigned high school classes there.
Science and Mathematics Enrichment Academy (SMSEA) Work Permits Certificate of Attendance Advanced Placement (AP) Attendance/Discipline Just for Juniors: Activities/Events
Georgia Virtual Schools Georgia Credit Recovery Let’s Do It Again (LDIA) After School Tutorials