 Welcome!  CIA Highlights  CIA Follow Up  Review potential CIA Network Committee goals/measures  Conduct a SWOT Analysis to determine CIA Network.


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Presentation transcript:

 Welcome!  CIA Highlights  CIA Follow Up  Review potential CIA Network Committee goals/measures  Conduct a SWOT Analysis to determine CIA Network Committee Goals  Step 1 o Identify CIA Network Committee Strengths to address RTTT initiatives  Accomplishments  Next Steps  Reflection 2

 The Common Core State Standards  Data-Driven Instruction  APPR 3

Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES

 John McCarthy, Assistant Superintendent  Lynn Allen, Assistant Superintendent  James Bellucci, Academy Principal at Tech Center  Christian Brunelli, Social Studies & English Teacher at the Tech Center  Peg Cioffi, English Teacher at Walkabout  Kim Fontana, Assistant Director, Curriculum & Instructional Services & one of the Supervisors of Walkabout  Matthew Garrity, Teacher at Tech Center  James Miller, Clinicians’ Representative  Alfred Santoli, FSLA Administrative Intern & Social Studies Teacher at Fox Meadow High School  Michael Sowul, Principal at Walden Learning Center  Deirdre Toolan, Physical Therapist at Pines Bridge  Dotty Pascale, Pines Bridge Teacher  Karen Marconi, Mercy College Administrative Intern  John McCabe, FSLA Administrative Intern & RSE-TASC Non-District Technical Assistance Provider 5

 “Establish a systemic BOCES- wide culture that unifies instructional programs and creates a synergy for continuous instructional improvement.” 6

 Effective instructional leaders:  Provide direction and influence  Motivate and inspire  Focus on improving teaching and learning  Promote collective leadership  Create a BOCES-wide focus on goals and expectations for student achievement Source: Getting Started – Reculturing to Become Professional Learning Communities by R. Eaker, R. DuFour & R. DuFour 7

Tech Center Walkabout Special Education & RSE-TASC Curriculum Center & School Library System Hudson River Teacher Center Guidance & Child Study Center Center for Educational Leadership 9

 CIA Newsletter

 CIA Minutes Action Item: Question to Instructional Technology Committee  Are we willing to look at technology and take a stance on the support or dissent of the use of these technologies in our classrooms?  What the research says about the support and dissent of the use of these technologies in the classroom.  CIA Program Inquiry Meeting Reports  Response to Essential Question 1

Resources from Month Goal6 Month Goal9 Month Goal12 Month Goal Create awareness and foster fluency and develop a common language supporting the CCSS implementation Collaboratively diagnose school capacity for implementing the CCSS and create an action plan to ensure Phase 1 execution: Aligned Unit in every classroom, each quarter Introduce CCSS aligned curriculum model modules/units and unpack the qualities of a model unit Build capacity and foster accountability so that every teacher delivers at least one Common Core aligned unit each quarter

Next Steps: Create measurable outcomes for goals:  By December 2011, communicating artifacts (such as s, wiki pages, faculty meeting materials, school board meeting materials, initiative announcements, instructional non- negotiable, etc) will create awareness and foster fluency and develop a common language supporting the CCSS implementation.  By March 2012, teacher’s surveys and school administrator’s surveys will diagnose school capacity for implementing the CCSS.  By June 2012, documentation of student work, scope and sequence, lesson plans, curriculum maps, observation notes, surveys from teachers, etc,) will establish that a CCSS (lesson, module, unit/module was delivered with quality and teacher demonstrated appropriate reflection on content, method and delivery based on grade level and subject areas.  By September 2012, instructional evidence/artifacts samplings from various school building programs will build capacity, foster accountability and demonstrate the integration of CCSS into the school culture (teacher observations, lesson plans, student work samples, etc.) Resources from 13

Strengths OpportunitiesThreats Weaknesses SWOT ANALYSIS Sub headline

Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats Strengths Opportunities WeaknessesThreats Differentiating values SWOT ANALYSIS

Strengths Advantages Experience, knowledge Unique characteristics Resources Geographical advantage, location Competence, capabilities Quality, reputation Opportunities Strategic alliances, partnerships Product development Import, export Innovation an technology development Threats Loss af alliances and partners Price infaltion/deflation Strong competition Competitors new products and innovation Weaknesses Disadvantages Gap in experience, knowledge Financial aspects Reliability and trust Loss of key staff Geographical factors Primary factors SWOT ANALYSIS

Strength Strengths SWOT ANALYSIS

Current strengths Goals and project plan: strengths Strengths SWOT ANALYSIS

 Conduct a SWOT Analysis to determine CIA Program Inquiry Committee Goals  Step 2 o Identify CIA Network Committee Opportunities to address RTTT initiatives

 Operationalize the BOCES-wide Profile of a Successful Graduate  Respond to the 4 Essential Questions about Excellence  Support the implementation of RTTT initiatives  Visit other programs

 Operationalize the BOCES-wide Profile of a Successful Graduate  Conduct a SWOT Analysis to determine CIA Program Inquiry Committee Goals  Step 1 o Identify CIA Program Inquiry Committee Strengths to address RTTT initiatives

Sir Ken Robinson: Do Schools Kill Creativity  DtII

For updates & information, check the CIA wiki at: mmittee.wikispaces.com/

 Accountability – true accountability – comes from within. We are accountable when we have embraced our responsibilities with all of our heart, when we have integrated ourselves so deeply in our work, into the lives and futures of our students, that our dreams include our dreams for them. ~ Dr. James Langlois, Superintendent of Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES 24