1 PARTI - general Fermilab Internship in Physics of Accelerators and Related Technology for International Students (PARTI) Objective: To familiarize students with opportunities at the frontier of scientific research in physics and the technology of particle accelerators. Participants: Physics undergrads from universities in the former Soviet Union Primarily from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Novosibirsk State University Mostly top-notch students, including past prize– winners of All-Russian and International Physics school Olympiads Strong preference for majors in Accelerator or related areas So far, after 3 rd – 5 th year (out of 6) Size: students Assignment: AD, TD, APC Duration: 10 – 12 weeks in July – September Mentors are assigned through individual discussions
2 PARTI - curriculum Weekly 1 hr meetings as a group 1 -2 weeks after the start, each student presents a 5 min, 5 slides report about his project and his goals (in English) 2 -3 weeks before the end of the internship, each student presents a 10 min, 10 slides report about his results Students meet with representatives of universities, who describes opportunities for PhD research in Accelerators Scientists come to talk about accelerator research at Fermilab Fermilab tours According to a survey, the tour quality depends dramatically on whether it is done by a scientist or by a graduate student or intern Summer lecture series Students are encouraged to attend seminars, colloquiums etc. Usually there are presentable results Most makes a presentation at departmental meetings Usually one student every year co-authors in a conference presentation Most students write a paper (technical memo, preprint, a description…)
3 PARTI – some results Total 41 students, starting with 2 in 2003 (zero in 2004) Of former interns (33 in 2008), we know about 20. From them, In Physics - 15, in Accelerators – 8, in US – 3 2008 survey of former interns (33; 17 responded) Students were asked to answer the following questions (from 1 for Certainly No to 5 for Certainly Yes; average/StDev): Was your experience at Fermilab good overall? 5 /0 Did it affect your life path?3.94 /1 Estimate importance of following factors in answering the questions above Visiting US4.5 /0.73 Working at Fermilab4.75 /0.45 Working in area related to accelerators3.63 /0.81 Money3.19 /1.42