Bridging the Gap and Building Relationships: Successful Outreach to Family Medicine Katherine Rickett, MSLS, MSED Liaison Librarian to the Brody School of Medicine William E. Laupus Health Sciences Library East Carolina University
The legislature set forth a three- fold mission for the ECU School of Medicine: to increase the supply of primary care physicians to serve the state, to improve health status of citizens in eastern North Carolina, and to enhance the access of minority and disadvantaged students to a medical education. The school offers nine residency programs for the specialized training of graduate physicians. The largest is family medicine … Background questions - - What is the setting? - What is your mission? - Who are your customers? - What are your priorities?
Good clinical practice should be performed like good jazz, with the physician blending the structure of evidence-based medicine with the appropriate improvisation of clinical experience. 'Clinical Jazz,' is an evidence-based medicine conference in which residents and faculty present evidence-based answers to common clinical questions and provide examples of utilizing information technology at the point of care. Take advantage of existing connections. Add value to them.
Grand Rounds FPIN – Family Physicians Inquiries Network Family Medicine Evidence Based Medicine Working Group Academic Afternoon …presentations on core topics primarily related to inpatient care. didactic sessions for all residents. Family medicine faculty, along with other subspecialty faculty, provide a mixture of traditional lectures and hands-on workshops Look for opportunities to attend lectures and conferences, sit on committees, etc. Identify your champions Volunteer to present Be an emergency backup
Letters, we get letters… Announce Lists Daily POEMs – New Book Greetings to New Faculty lists – Chairs and Dept Heads – Residency Directors Stay in touch -
Results Established place in new resident orientation schedule Residents contact me for help with presentations. Some apologize for not to asking for help – they’ve been to classes I’ve taught Current faculty refer new faculty, sometimes before I know they have joined the department. I am approached for help with grant proposals early in the game. Invitation to teach EBM class for other depts June 06 – May 07 – 41 service contacts – 7 classes taught June 07 – May 08 – 136 service contacts – 11 classes taught June 08 – August 08 – 45 service contacts – 3 classes taught
Katherine Rickett, MSLS, MSEd “That’s OUR Librarian” Comment from resident leading a tour for prospective residents. The librarians here are some of the most helpful you will find anywhere, so please feel free to elicit their help. – Family Medicine Intern Survival Manual Quotes and photos taken from the websites of the Brody School of Medicine and Laupus Library