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To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Trilobite Fossils
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Geologic Time Scale
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Rock Layers
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Dog
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Darwin’s Journey
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Giraffe
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Different Trilobites
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Trilobite Eyes
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Blind Trilobite
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Olenellus
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Pangaea
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Early Precambrian
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Stromatolite
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Predatory Fish
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Panderichthy
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Frog
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Formation of Appalachian Mountains
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Hyoliths
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Triassic Period
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Dinosaur Illustration
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Dinosaur Illustration
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Earliest Mammal
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Alps
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank The Himalayas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Horse Eating
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Image Bank Dolphins
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Geological Time Make the following Foldable to help you identify the major events in each era of geologic time.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables Fold the top of a vertical piece of paper down and the bottom up to divide the paper into thirds.
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To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Foldables As you read the chapter, list at least three major events that occurred in each era. Keep the events in chronological order. For each event, note the period in which it took place. Read for Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Video Clips Click image to view movie.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 1 1 Geologic time is divided into eons, eras, periods, and epochs. Life and Geologic Time Divisions within the geologic time scale are based largely on major evolutionary changes in organisms. Reviewing Main Ideas Plate movements affect organic evolution.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 2 2 Cyanobacteria evolved during Precambrian time. Trilobites, fish, and corals were abundant during the Paleozoic Era. Early Earth History Plants and animals began to move onto land during the middle of the Paleozoic Era. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 2 2 Early Earth History At the end of the Paleozoic Era, many marine invertebrates became extinct. Reviewing Main Ideas The Paleozoic Era was a time of mountain building. The Appalachian Mountains formed when several islands and finally Africa collided with North America.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. 3 3 Reptiles and gymnosperms were dominant land life-forms in the Mesozoic Era. Mammals and angiosperms began to dominate the land in the Cenozoic Era. Middle and Recent Earth History Pangaea broke apart during the Mesozoic Era. Many mountain ranges formed during the Cenozoic Era. Reviewing Main Ideas
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 1 Organic evolution is a change in the _________ of a species over a long period. A. habitat B. hereditary features C. location D. numbers
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is B. The fossil record shows that species have changed over time.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 2 A group of organisms that normally reproduces only with other members of their group is a __________. A. category B. collection C. sort D. species
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is D. Dogs are a species because they mate and reproduce only with other dogs.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 3 Which of these organisms existed first on Earth? A. angiosperms B. birds C. cyanobacteria D. dinosaur
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is C. Cyanobacteria first appeared about 3.5 billion years ago. The diagram shows a stromatolite, which is a layered mat formed by cyanobacteria colonies.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 4 What atmospheric gas is produced by photosynthesis? A. carbon dioxide B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. sulfur dioxide
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is C. Oxygen is produced during photosynthesis.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Question 5 You are living in the Cenozoic Era, which began __________ years ago. A. 1.8 million B. 65 million C. 248 million D. 544 million
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Chapter Review Answer The answer is B. The Cenozoic Era followed the mass extinction at the end of the Mesozoic Era.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 1 Which era was the longest? A. Archean B. Cenozoic C. Mesozoic D. Paleozoic
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. the Paleozoic was the longest era. The Archean subdivision lasted longer but was an eon.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 2 According to this map of Darwin’s journey, which of the following did he visit after the Galapagos Islands?
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice A. Ascension Islands B. Cape Horn C. Falkland Islands D. New Zealand
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is D. He sailed west from the Galapagos Islands.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 3 What trilobite body structure is shown in the enlarged diagram? A. brain B. ear C. eye D. nose
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is C. Trilobites had many different types of eyes.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 4 Amphibians probably evolved from fish like __________in this diagram, which had fins and lungs.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice A. Amphibiosa B. Dickensonia C. Panderichthys D. Spriggina
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is C. Dickensonia and Spriggina are thought to be wormlike creatures.
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Question 5 What present day mountain range is located at A? A. Appalachian B. Himalaya C. Rocky D. Sierra Nevada
To return to the chapter summary click Escape or close this document. Standardized Test Practice Answer The answer is B. The Himalaya are located along the border between India and Tibet.
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