Agriculture and Community Development Project (what?) Project of Meada Khmer Development Association (MKD)
Project Site (Where?) Head office: #15, Street 272, Sangkat Psar Doeum Ko, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Head office: #15, Street 272, Sangkat Psar Doeum Ko, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Implementing the project activity in 4 villages of Trapeungkang commune, SamroungTorng district, Kampong Speu province Implementing the project activity in 4 villages of Trapeungkang commune, SamroungTorng district, Kampong Speu province
Project partners agencies In cooperation with: In cooperation with: - Heifer International Organization, - Envols Organization - CelAgric Organization - Rotary Club Le. Mans (Technical support and Capacity Building)
Beneficiary At least 150 families among 4 village in the target area. At least 150 families among 4 village in the target area.
Total project cost MKD use the budget in amount of US$ 49,947.5, and these total amounts, MKD supposed to request from UNDP at all MKD use the budget in amount of US$ 49,947.5, and these total amounts, MKD supposed to request from UNDP at all
Project duration (When) 24 months 24 months Start from: January 1 st 2009 to January 30 th 2011
Project Description 1. Problem statement: Employment opportunities for around 2/3 of the population and contributing to national food security and the economy. Employment opportunities for around 2/3 of the population and contributing to national food security and the economy. Increasing threat to the sustainability and productivity of family agriculture. Increasing threat to the sustainability and productivity of family agriculture. Increasing pressure on land resources Increasing pressure on land resources
karekIneLIgnUvksi krmYycMnYnEdlC ab; bMNul karekIneLIgnUvksi krmYycMnYnEdlC ab; bMNul