IT Sales Network There is more to a sale - than signing a contract! Focus on your buyer’s definition of value. What does your buyer achieve by ownership?
What we will talk about? Why the contract is Vital. Selling Vs Buying A document of partnership A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on!
Who needs a contract anyway? The Buyer Protection of their rights, guarantee that they will get what they bought The Seller Protects their property, guarantee that they will get paid The Lawyers! Negotiation and for when things go wrong! The contract links the buyer and the seller!
Sellers sell forward! Close date key in all sales pipelines. Close Date = Contract Signature. After the close - someone else delivers! Do you have a special pen for contract signatures?
Buyers Buy Backwards! When do I get Ownership? How do I get there? Is the roadmap to value clearly defined? What will this purchase enable me to do & When?
The Contract = Partnership! Focus on when the customer gets value! The contract is just one step in a joint journey! A Foundation for Trust. It is 5 times easier to sell to existing customers? You lift me up, and I’ll bring it over