Tourism Tourism in Romania
Something about … Something about … Romania…it a a reach country with many resources, many impressive places, a variety of richness. Concerning the development of tourism and the importance of it, the romanian people don’t know how to value our treasure…because our country is a treasure…a non discovered treasure… Romania…it a a reach country with many resources, many impressive places, a variety of richness. Concerning the development of tourism and the importance of it, the romanian people don’t know how to value our treasure…because our country is a treasure…a non discovered treasure… The tourism is high in our country thanks to the Black Sea situated in the south-east part of the country, The Danube, our mountains,our monasteries which represents our cultural part. The tourism is high in our country thanks to the Black Sea situated in the south-east part of the country, The Danube, our mountains,our monasteries which represents our cultural part.
The monasteries The monasteries These monasteries represent a part of the romanian culture. These are very old have the influence of many old cultures. These monasteries represent a part of the romanian culture. These are very old have the influence of many old cultures.
BUCOVINA Bucovina is a wonderful place with beautiful landscapes and impressive buildings. Bucovina is a wonderful place with beautiful landscapes and impressive buildings.
Monastery of Moldova
Monastery from south Romania
Other Monasteries
The Black See
A hotel from the Black See
Danube Delta Danube Delta