Slavery And Abolition 8.2
Big Ideas MAIN IDEA: Slavery became an explosive issue, as more Americans joined reformers working to put a end to it. WHY IT MATTERS NOW: The people of the U.S. continue to be challenged by questions of economic and social inequality.
Vocabulary Abolition: call to outlaw slavery William Loyd Garrison: Radical abolitionist– The Liberator Emancipation: the freeing of slaves David Walker: advised free blacks to fight for freedom Frederick Douglass: Slave who could read and write Nat Tuner: Attacked plantations in rebellion Antebellum: pre Civil War period Gag rule: limited petitions on anti slave issues
Abolitionist Speak Out By 1820 100+ anti slave societies calling for re settlement of Blacks in Africa (1,400 will emigrate back in 10 years) Most African Americans felt that they too were Americans Slavery being seen as “a great national sin”
Calls for Emancipation William Lloyd Garrison started his news paper, The Liberator David Walker and other free blacks fight for African American rights
Free Blacks in the U.S. In the South worked as Day Labors and sometimes artisans In the North held the lowest paying jobs
Frederick Douglass Taught to read and write by his owner (wife) Held a skilled job as a ship caulker but did not get to keep his earnings
Life Under Slavery Rural Slavery Urban Slavery Large plantations all worked from dawn to dusk in fields Had an overseer or slave driver 1850 most slaves live on plantations with 10+ slaves Total population ~2mil Economic draw to cotton created a need for laborers in the city 1850 400,000 slaves live in the cities Plantation slaves hired out
Nat Turners Rebellion Nat Turner, a preacher, leads 80 other slaves in rebellion attacking 4 plantations killing ~60 whites before being captures Turner was tried and hanged Whites retaliated by killing 200 blacks who had nothing to do with the rebellion
Defense of Slavery In response to revolts people begin to question the future of slavery Virginia debates law to gradually introduce abolition that fails by a vote of 73 to 58 Slaves codes prevent slaves from being educated Used the bible to defend slavery