Developed by: Richard Coffey, Extension Swine Specialist, University of Kentucky Kevin Laurent, Extension Associate, University of Kentucky Warren Beeler, Kentucky Department of Agriculture Equipment Identification Edited for Georgia by Frank B. Flanders Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office March 2002
All-In-One Castrator/Docker Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Balling Gun
Barnes Dehorner
Cattle Clippers
Clipper Comb
Clipper Cutter
Disposable Syringes
Drench Gun
Ear Notchers
Ear Tag Pliers
Electric Dehorner
Emasculatome (Burdizzo)
Electric Docker Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Ewe Prolapse Retainer Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Foot Rot Shears Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Freeze Branding Iron
Hog Holder
Lamb Tube Feeder Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Lambing O.B. Snare Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Needle Teeth Nippers
Nipple Waterer
Obstetrical Chain
Paint Branding Iron
Pistol-Grip Syringe
Ram Marking Harness Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Rumen Magnate
Scotch Comb
Shearer=s Screwdriver
Sheep Shears Photo courtesy of Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Slap Tattoo
Tattoo Pliers
Wool Card