Slavery and Secession Guiding Questions to Primary Sources Chapter 10 Section 4
I Dred Scott Decision What was Dredd Scotts argument for suing? What were the two rationales given for Taney’s decision? What effect do you think the Dred Scott decision had on sectional differences in the U.S.?
A. Lecompton Constitution What group wrote the Lecopton Constitution Why were some Democrats angered by President Buchanan’s actions in regards to the Lecompton Constitution? What affect does the issue over the Lecompton Constitution have on the Democratic party?
II Lincoln-Douglas Debates What is the position of each candidate on the issue of slavery? Explain in your own words what the Freeport Doctrine states. What is the end result of the campaign and how is Lincoln effected?
III Passions Erupt John Brown studies slave uprisings and believes time is right for one in the US Believes god told him to elad revolt Leads group of men into Harpers Ferry VA to capture US arsenal Plans to distribute arms to slaves and start an uprising Slaves refuse to join out of fear Brown is captures tried for treason How might N and S react to John Brown’s attempt
IV Lincoln is Elected President Linbcoln’s less known name helps him gain nom. Because he would not anger republicans Attepmts to reassure S that a rep. admin. Would not interfere w/ S slave owners right but they do not believe him S sees him as a “black republican”
B. Election of major candidates develop Democrat spli over slavery issue N Dem= Douglas & his pop sov doctrine S Dem= Breckenridge & Dred Scott decision Constitutional Slavery Party Lincoln emergers as winner w/ less than ½ of pop vote Carrie dall free states and did not appear on southern ballots
The Confederacy How is the constitution of the Confederate States of America similar and different from the constitution of the United States of America? By reading the Confederate Constitution, what do you think the main reasons for the southern secession were?