By Doug Rives
Captured In Battle Abandoned Child Sold as a Slave Child Of A Slave Crimes Evading Military Service Sailors Sold By Pirates
Mainly from captured Provinces Slave Market Sold them
Auctions Stood out in the Street or auction house Anyone could buy them
Could do any job around the house Teachers, cooks, farm or mine workers, hair dressers, Servant
Household Slaves treated better most of the time Cooks and Teachers were valuable Farmers and miners had to do hard work Miners were often killed in the mines
Pay the amount used to buy you Very Hard Had No source of Income really Some Slaves were bought at ridiculous Prices
Freed by masters Had to go to the consul and show that you wanted this man to be free
First Servile War Eunus, a farmer, led them Claimed he was a prophet Crushed by Roman Army
Second Servile War Slaves revolted in Sicily Crushed by Army again
Spartacus Gladiator Broke out of training camp Looted nearby towns and gained members Government sent out weak army Rebels Crushed army Gained Mt. Vesuvius
By the time the gov. sent out another army Rebels numbered about 70,000 Spartacus decided to leave Vesuvius On The way defeated two armies Finally, the gov. sent out 10 legions Killed or Crucified rebels Spartacus assumedly died with his men
Gained all rights of Citizenship when freed Except could not run for office Kids could run for office though Could have any job Freemen were not liked even though they were now free
American Based On Race Mistreated Slaves often Did Not have opportunity to be free Romans Treated Slaves well most of the time Could Be Free Were not shunned as much as in America
Were Sold in slave markets Both were used in manual labor Slaves were both taken from home countries
When Slaves and Masters traded places Honored Saturn Symbolizes golden age of man When all men were equal
Slavery ruined economy due to cheap labor True citizens could often not find a job Destroyed economy
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