By Doug Rives.  Captured In Battle  Abandoned Child  Sold as a Slave  Child Of A Slave  Crimes  Evading Military Service  Sailors Sold By Pirates.


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Presentation transcript:

By Doug Rives

 Captured In Battle  Abandoned Child  Sold as a Slave  Child Of A Slave  Crimes  Evading Military Service  Sailors Sold By Pirates

 Mainly from captured Provinces  Slave Market Sold them

 Auctions  Stood out in the Street or auction house  Anyone could buy them

 Could do any job around the house  Teachers, cooks, farm or mine workers, hair dressers, Servant

 Household Slaves treated better most of the time  Cooks and Teachers were valuable  Farmers and miners had to do hard work  Miners were often killed in the mines

 Pay the amount used to buy you  Very Hard  Had No source of Income really  Some Slaves were bought at ridiculous Prices

 Freed by masters  Had to go to the consul and show that you wanted this man to be free

 First Servile War  Eunus, a farmer, led them  Claimed he was a prophet  Crushed by Roman Army

 Second Servile War  Slaves revolted in Sicily  Crushed by Army again

 Spartacus  Gladiator  Broke out of training camp  Looted nearby towns and gained members  Government sent out weak army  Rebels Crushed army  Gained Mt. Vesuvius

 By the time the gov. sent out another army Rebels numbered about 70,000  Spartacus decided to leave Vesuvius  On The way defeated two armies  Finally, the gov. sent out 10 legions  Killed or Crucified rebels  Spartacus assumedly died with his men

 Gained all rights of Citizenship when freed  Except could not run for office  Kids could run for office though  Could have any job  Freemen were not liked even though they were now free

 American  Based On Race  Mistreated Slaves often  Did Not have opportunity to be free  Romans  Treated Slaves well most of the time  Could Be Free  Were not shunned as much as in America

 Were Sold in slave markets  Both were used in manual labor  Slaves were both taken from home countries

 When Slaves and Masters traded places  Honored Saturn  Symbolizes golden age of man  When all men were equal

 Slavery ruined economy due to cheap labor  True citizens could often not find a job  Destroyed economy

       everything-pt4/ everything-pt4/            