King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Electrical Engineering Department EE400 PROJECT Personal Area Networks Instructed by Dr.AlGhadbanPresenters Abdallah Al-Ouhali AbdulAziz Asiri Abdallah Al-Ouhali AbdulAziz Asiri References 1) 2) Palo wireless Bluetooth Resource Center, 3) 4) sDefinition/0,,sid40_gci546288,00.html 5) 6)
Outline Introduction. PAN’s Physical Layer. Bluetooth. Bluetooth’s Physical Layer.Bluetooth’s Physical Layer. Data Link Layer.Data Link Layer. Transport Layer.Transport Layer. Other Applications: Zigbee. Zigbee’s Layers.Zigbee’s Layers. Conclusion.
Introduction Definition: Definition: Personal Area Network (PAN) is a computer network used for communication among computer devices close to one person. Main Function: Main Function: e.g. interconnecting a laptop and a printer without plugging any wires between them. PAN’s Applications: PAN’s Applications: e.g. Bluetooth & ZigBee.
PAN’s Physical Layer The general specifications for PAN:- [1] Data RateCoverageNo. of devicesThe standards 500 Mbit/sec m At most 255 devices IEEE Mbit/sec m At most 255 devices IEEE
Bluetooth Definition: Bluetooth is a wireless protocol for transmitting and exchanging data between devices over short distances creating Personal Area Network. [2]
Bluetooth’s Physical Layer Baseband Protocol: Baseband Protocol: Provides a secure 2.4GHz short range frequency bandwidth available in USA and Europe at 83.5 MHz and 69 RF. The Baseband protocol provides Gaussian frequency-shift keying (GFSK) modulation and physical specifications for Bluetooth as shown. [1] Data RateRangeMaximum Power Class Mbit/sec 100 meters 10mW(20dBm) Class1 (Versions 2.1 and newer) 3 Mbit/sec 10 meters 2.5mW (4dBm)Class2 (Version 2.0) 1 Mbit/sec 1 meter 1mW(0dBm)Class3 (Versions 1.0 and 1.2)
Bluetooth’s Physical Layer Baseband provides master and slave [2] technique for Bluetooth. [2] [2]
Bluetooth’s Physical Layer Packets’ Format:- Access CodeAccess Code used for timing synchronization, offset compensation, paging and inquiry 72 bits length. HeaderHeader contains information for packet acknowledgement, packets' numbers to be in order, flow control, slave address and error check for header 54 bits length. PayloadPayload contains voice and data fields 0 – 2745 bits.[2]
Data Link Layer L2CAP:- to multiplex several connections between two devices and to provide segmentation and reassembly of the packets. Link Manager (LM):- To control the radio link between two devices.
Transport Layer Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP):- To transport packets over a point-to-point link. BNEP (Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol):- Its main purpose is to transfer IP packets and protocol stack's over an L2CAP channel. RFCOMM (Cable Replacement Protocol):- To create virtual series and a simple reliable data stream to the user. HCI (Host Controller Interface):- To provide a communication between a host stack such as a mobile phone and a controller
Other Applications Zigbee:- ZigBee is the name of a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using low-power consumption and low data rate. Applications:- Sensors Control devices
Zigbee [5]
Zigbee’s Layer Physical Layer:- [5] Data Link Layer (MAC Layer):- MAC packet is 127 bytes, including a 16-bit CRC value. Network Layer:- Routing using AODV (Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector) To provide a suitable interface for the application layer.
Conclusion We had learned about Personal Area Network and some of its applications such as Bluetooth and Zigbee. Difficulties: Different architectures from one application to another since they have different specifications and protocols. Determining the Bluetooth's standard layers according to OSI layers. Determining the locations of these protocols and which layer does each protocol belong to.
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