Konu:Turk Mutfagi (Turkish Cuisine) Student Objectives: LESSON PLAN By Gul Goksel Konu:Turk Mutfagi (Turkish Cuisine) Student Objectives: -Student learn about history and culture by studying a particular food important to their family. -Student use technology tools to enhance productivity, and promote creativity.
Opening Activity: Students watch Turkish food demonstrations from YouTube. -During that time ask questions to children. (Have you heard about that food, did you have this food before?) Students will be part of every activity. (Interpersonal, Interpretive) -Give to students the worksheets.( which includes yes/no and questions, fill in the blanks in sentences, etc..(Interpersonal) -Students exchange their worksheets and work together in the groups.(Interpretive, group activity) -Give students pictures of Turkish food and let each group talk about the food in the pictures.
Teaching The New Objective: 1- Every student picks a favorite family food and find the recipe for it. 2-The student interviews the family members about the cultural and family traditions that are associated with this recipe. 3-Student brings the recipe and interview notes to school.
-Closing Activity: -Student presents their flyer to classmates and the teacher. -Student answer to questions about their family recipes. (Presentational activity)(Ingredients, traditional kitchen supplies, holidays, history) -Students complete the cookbook. -Each student bring in the dish they researched. Have a Traditional Lunch together.
Materials/Room Arrangement: -Turkish cookbooks Materials/Room Arrangement: -Turkish cookbooks. -Turkish Restaurant menus. -Turkish food blogs from internet. -Turkish food posters. -Turkish map. -Traditional cooking and measurement supplies. -Turkish cook movies or introductions from YouTube. -Voki -Glober -Wordle
Provision for Students: Students can be assessed on their recipe flyer content, Writing conventions and design.
Assessment: 1-Flyer content Does the flyer include the family recipe? Does the flyer include about the cultural traditions associated with the recipe or dish? Does the flyer include information about why the recipe is important to the students family? 2-Writing conventions: Did the students use correct grammar? Did the students use correct spelling? Did the students use correct punctuation? 3-Design: Is the information on the flyer easy to read? Is the flyer pleasing to look at? Did the student use appropriate graphics to enhance the flyer?
Self-assessment: -What went well Self-assessment: -What went well? -What needs more work in the next class/lesson? -What should I do different next time?