The Color Wheel By: Mrs. Barth
This is the color wheel
The Color Wheel The color wheel has the three Primary colors: Red Yellow Blue
Secondary Colors The secondary colors fall in between the primary colors from which they are mixed. Secondary colors: Purple Orange Green
Tertiary Colors or Intermediate Colors Tertiary Colors are located in between the secondary colors from which they are mixed. The tertiary colors are: Yellow-green Blue-green Blue-violet Red-violet Red-orange Yellow-orange
Complimentary Colors Complimentary Colors are across from one another on the color wheel. Complimentary colors work well together because the compliment each other!
Complimentary Colors Yellow’s compliment is purple. What is Red’s compliment? Green! What is Blue’s Compliment? Orange!
Cool colors Cool colors are on one side of the color wheel. The cool colors are: Green Blue Violet And everything in between them!
Warm Colors Warm colors are on the other side of the color wheel. Warm colors are: Yellow Orange Red And everything in between!
Cool colors warm colors
Neutral Colors Black, Gray and White are called Neutral Colors
Tints and Shades A tint is when you add white to make a color more light Red’s tint is pink, Violet’s tint is lavender A shade is when you darken a color using black. This creates darker shades of the same color.
Tints & Shades Tints
Tints and Shades Shades
Color Schemes Color schemes are established palettes that you KNOW will look good together, because other artists proved it long ago! What are some reasons that it’s important to understand which colors look good together?
Monochromatic color scheme Mono means one and chroma means color So a monochromatic color scheme uses only tints and shades of a single color.
Monochromatic color scheme Yellow, black and white
Any colors that are side by side on the color wheel are analogous. Analogous Color scheme
Analogous colors always look good together.
When artists use analogous colors in their work, we say that their colors have harmony. This means that they get along
Complimentary Color Schemes Using colors that are across from one another on the color wheel Red and Green Blue and orange Purple and yellow
Complementary Color Scheme
Triadic Color Scheme (Tri meaning 3, like tricycle) Using colors that are equally spaced on the color wheel Such as: All primary colors (red, blue, & yellow) Or all secondary colors
Triadic Color Scheme Primary Colors onlySecondary colors only