Grading Colored Gemstones Carl Wozniak
Grading colored gemstones Color stone grading is considerably different from diamond grading While the “4 Cs” of diamond grading still apply Color Cut Carat weight Clarity By far the most important is Color
Grading a colored gemstone Some stones just “seem” better than others. Let’s see why. Three main factors merge to create the best colored stones: Good color Good shape appeal Good light return We can quickly estimate these to find the best stones
Which would you buy? $2, $45.00
Stone shapes
Stone style Stones can be Rough Tumbled Faceted Cabochon Bead Sphere
Color “Color” is the most important component of value in colored stones Use modifiers to note the tone and saturation of the stone Then note the hue of the stone. Stones rarely are pure colors
Color-tone Tone is the relative lightness or darkness of a hue Extremely light Very light Light Medium light Medium Medium dark Dark Very dark Extremely dark Black
Color-saturation Saturation is the strength or purity of a hue Grayish (brownish) Slightly grayish Very slightly grayish Moderately strong Strong Vivid
Color-hue Hue is the shade, tint or sensation of a color Most stones aren’t purely one color, but modified shades of two colors Orangish-red Reddish-purple
Describe the color of this stone Medium dark, moderately strong, purplish-red
Light Properties The light properties of the stone are next in importance in determining value. We judge the quality based on three factors Windowing Light return Extinction
Windowing “Windows” are areas of stone transparency They are visible as light areas on the face of the stone through which you can see objects beyond
Windowing Wave an object, like a pen or pencil, underneath the stone while looking through it and estimate the overall surface percentage that shows motion in it
Light return and extinction Light return is shown by bright areas on the stone’s surface Tilt the stone up to 30° in each direction and estimate the percentage of the surface that is light Good stones = +45% light return
Light return and extinction The dark areas represent light that is lost from the crown of the stone. You estimate its percentage also.
Light return and absorption What are the window, light, and extinction percentages of this stone? Window: about 0-5% Light: about 45-55% Dark: about 45-50%
Light return and absorption Be careful with reflections on facets. You need to “look through the reflection to see the internal light and dark areas.
What are the light properties of this stone? Window: 10% Light return: 35% Extinction: 55%
Let’s completely grade a stone Stone ID Rhodolite garnet Stone shape Pear, broad wings Stone style Faceted Color Medium, moderately strong, purplish red
Let’s completely grade a stone Light properties Windowing 10%
Let’s completely grade a stone Light properties Windowing 10% Light return 45% Extinction 45%
Let’s completely grade a stone Overall stone quality: Good
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Now let’s do it with real stones...