Yellow Blue Red Orange Green Purple Primary
Yellow Blue Red Orange Green Purple Primary + Primary = Secondary
Yellow Blue Red Orange Green Purple Primary + Secondary = Tertiary + Red-Orange + Yellow-Orange Yellow-Green Blue-Green Blue-Violet Red-Violet
Complimentary Yellow Purple Opposites on the color wheel When mixed evenly create a neutral When a small amount of the compliment is added to a color the color will become a shade.
Complimentary Red Green Opposites on the color wheel When mixed evenly create a neutral When a small amount of the compliment is added to a color the color will become a shade.
Complimentary Blue Orange Opposites on the color wheel When mixed evenly create a neutral When a small amount of the compliment is added to a color the color will become a shade.
Value Scale Monochromatic is the act of using only one color and neutrals. The scale above shows various shades and tints of red. Pink is actually red. Maroon is red.
Any color + white = tint + = Any color + black = shade Or Any color + its compliment = shade +=
Color Schemes Complimentary Monochromatic Triad
Additional Color Schemes Cool Warm Neutral Analogous
Other facts about color Color can be described by intensity. –Light or dull colors are low intensity –Bright or neon colors are high intensity Color’s characteristics, or properties, include intensity and values.