22 March 2007 Slide 1 Sub-deduct Networks John McNamara
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 2 Overview Characteristics of a Sub-deduct Network Ofgem Concerns - Safety, Charging Regulatory Framework & Internal Legal Advice Independent Legal Counsel Way Forward
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 3 Characteristics of a Sub-deduct Network History and profile of networks Exemption Regime UNC – Part of system / Exempted Person Competitive Supply Market Ownership and maintenance responsibility ?
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 4 Ofgem Concerns Safety - Sub-deduct pipe work inferior to DN and IGT pipe work? Charging – Shippers unable to avoid charges at primary meter.
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 5 Reg Framework & Internal Legal Advice Gas Act 1986 – Sections 6A and 10(3) The pipeline Safety Regulations 1996 – 3(4) Gas Transporters Licence – SLC 4B, SSC A50 & A22a UNC – section G 20 Conclusion “none of BG successor entities holds responsibility for the pipe-lines beyond the emergency control valve”
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 6 Independent Legal Counsel Blackstone Chambers – Dec 06 “Relevant legislation did not appear inconsistent with Ofgem conclusion”. “However no sufficient clear stipulation in the legislation to render the position free from real doubt” Counsel advice – retrieve sample original agreements to form a more confident view
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 7 Way Forward Quantify the risk – cross industry dialogue Determine number of sub-deduct networks that form part of system under UNC Source original documentation Adoption by DNs Change to legislation
Insert strapline 22 March 2007 Slide 8 Promoting choice and value for all gas and electricity customers