By Josh, Dennis, Mike
-Wear a black suit, with black tie and dark shades -White color skin -Blonde hair -Male -Middle age 30 -Short hair -Tall
Full traditional samurai body armor(no helmet) Armor color primary black. Secondary white, outline blue Katana Helmet, cover the whole head, glass visor, black The visor should be tinted black not able to show face. Has ninja stars Katana at the back
Side scroller Health bar Scrolls heals the character Ninja stars ammo
-Run left and right -Able to stand still -Walk -Jump -Attack with sword -throw ninja stars -able to crouch - Death
- Robot color: silver - Skinny arms - Body, head and feet is square - Body chest looks like door - Shoots black wires from the chest. - Red eye lights
Walking to the left and right. hands and legs are moving Chest shooting wires. Explode when they die
Skinny, white, head and body is circle, hands as claws Stretch his arms to grab Blade
Able to walk to the left. ( moving legs) Arms can go forward and backward. (stretch) Explode when defeated
Office City Underground subway station
Telephone Desk Windows Blake picking up the phone with a shocking face Laptop Also includes the next and back buttons.
Building Sky and Birds Blake ripping of his dress suit at the top of the building and some of the Samurai Armour is showing.