Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Capacity Development for CDM General Description of the Project Cycle Tunis, August 2004 Samir Amous, APEX, Tunisia Regional Centre for North Africa and Middle-East
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August
3 1.Project design & formulation Step 1 ACTIONS -Project identification - project description - baseline methodology - GHG emissions - monitoring methods/plan - SD impacts - statement of env. impacts - stakeholder comments PROCESS -National consultations -Internal project preparation -National/International tenders
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Project Design Document* A. general description of project activity B. Baseline methodology C. Duration of the project activity crediting/crediting period D. Monitoring methodology and plan E. Calculation of GHG emission by sources F. Environmental impacts G. Stakeholders comments * CDM website UNFCCC secretariat
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Project design & formulation Step 1 RESPONSIBILITIES -National Agencies - Private Consultants - Researchers - Unilateral preparation DNA INVOLVEMENT -Identifying projects -Promoting consultations among stakeholders -Mobilizing resources for PDD preparation -Liaising with CDM investors
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Project design & formulation Step 1 RESOURCES -Financial - Organisational - Human -
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 2 2. National approval ACTIONS -Project Review - National Consultation - Assessement as regards to contribution to SD -No négative side-effects -No major opposition from other parties PROCESS/ROLES -National consultations -Review National CDM Authority -Legitimacy of the decisions to be made by the DNA members -Who issues the formal approval -Time limits (e.g. 4 weeks)
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August National Approval Step 2 RESOURCES -Institutional -Organisational - Human capacities
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Validation & Registration Step 3 ACTIONS -Designation of an Accredited DOE see sectoral scope -Projects to be reviewed by the DOE -Feedbacks form NGOs and Local communities -DOE to validate the project and to notify EB for Registration -Registration by EB: within 8 weeks PROCESS -DNA to designate a DOE -Project developper designate a DOE while informing DNA
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Validation & Registration Step 3 RESPONSIBILITIES -DOE - EB DNA INVOLVEMENT -Identifying DOE -Facilitate contracting DOE -Responding to any DNA questions -Keeping record of the Registrations
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Validation & Registration Step 3 RESOURCES -DOE: variable - Registration: Us$ 5,000 to US$ 30,000
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August a 4. Project Financing Step 4ACTIONS -Estimate of Financing needed: -Identification of Potential sources of financing -Contacts with donors -Finalization of the funding scheme -No Diversion of ODA -Signature of the CDM contract PROCESS -Marketing Policy -Communication with donors: Forum, seminars, website, study tour, etc. Signature of MOU Can be started from the early process
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Project Financing Step 4 RESPONSIBILITIES -Ministries -National Agencies - Project Developers DNA INVOLVEMENT -Organizing events -Posting project Portfolio (Website) -Promoting the country in the Carbon Market
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Project Financing Step 4 RESOURCES -Communication -Organisational - Financial
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August a 5. Project Implementation and Monitoring Step 5 ACTIONS -Implementing and managing the project -Establishing and executing the Monitoring Procedures -Producing monitoring reports
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 5 RESPONSIBILITIES -Project Proponents -Sub-contractors DNA INVOLVEMENT -Ensuring that Monitoring is appropiately implemented -Consulted for the DOE designation 5. Project Implementation and Monitoring
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 5 RESOURCES -Financial -Human 5. Project Implementation and Monitoring
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August a 6. Verification/ Certification Step 6 ACTIONS -Contracting a DOE b -sending the monitoring reports to Doe for review -Getting evaluated through field review by DOE (GHG emissions, quality of the monitoring procedures, consistency withe the Monitoring Plan, etc. -Certification by DOE (written assurance by DOE)
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 6 RESPONSIBILITIES - DOE DNA INVOLVEMENT -Consulted for the DOE designation -Getting in touch with the DOE 6. Verification/ Certification
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 6 RESOURCES -Financial 6. Verification/ Certification
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August a 7. Issuance of CERs Step 7 ACTIONS -EB receiving the notification for Certification from DOE -EB issuing CERS within 15 days -EB to keep a registry of CERs -2% CERs adaptation
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 7 RESPONSIBILITIES - EB DNA INVOLVEMENT -Liaise with the EB for the issuance of CERs 7. Issuance of CERs
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August Step 7 RESOURCES -None -Project proponent to money from CDM investors according to contractual modalities 7. Issuance of CERs
Capacity Development for CDM - RW4 Tunis, August