Unit 3—Chapters 5 – 6 Imperialism and World War I CSS 11.4 Students trace the rise of the US to its role as a world power in the 20 th century.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3—Chapters 5 – 6 Imperialism and World War I CSS 11.4 Students trace the rise of the US to its role as a world power in the 20 th century

Wonderful Wednesday, Oct. 29 Turn yesterday’s work into basket Take your seat Take out a piece of paper Begin Warm-Up Warm-Up Which candidate for California Governor did you vote for? Why? Give at least two solid reasons why you voted for that person. Mini paragraph – 6+ sentences

Today’s Agenda Warm-Up Notebook Set-Up FN: “Causes of Imperialism” Homework: Finish vocabulary Add pictures to your title page

Essential Question: How and why did the US take a more active role in world affairs? Causes of Imperialism Imperialism and World War I CSS 11.4 Students trace the rise of the US to its role as a world power in the 20 th century

Imperialism Definition domination of one country by another country for the political, economic, and/or cultural benefit of the colonizing country or region

Imperialism Nations needed raw materials to build an empire Nations needed to sell their goods to other countries Africa, Asia, South Pacific Nations replaced the local culture of the country with their own Missionary impulse British empire covered ¼ of the world “The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire” Gold God Glory

Imperialism, con’t Nations want places to put military bases The Influence of Sea Power upon History, Capt. Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that a strong navy was key to world power Britain, Germany, Russia, US, and Japan Gold God Glory

Imperialism Africa 1850 Africa 1914


Causes of American Imperialism (1880s – 1900) The US didn’t want to get left out Wanted more markets for US goods US wanted to expand into China, Hawaii, South Pacific and Latin America Wanted more raw materials coaling stations, rubber, sugar T.R. developed the Great White Fleet to build up the US military sent it on a world tour to intimidate our potential enemies in 1917 Belief in Social Darwinism

Can you identify three factors that lead the U.S. towards imperialism? Economic? (Gold) Political? (Glory) Cultural? (God)

American Imperialism

Imperialism in Hawaii American sugar planters gained control of Hawaii’s government and economy they didn’t like paying import taxes to the US American business groups deposed Queen Liliuokalani in 1893 Sanford Dole became the first president of Hawaii until it became a US territory in 1898 Hawaii became a state in 1950

Essential Question: How and why did the US take a more active role in world affairs?