THE ELECTRONIC TRANSITION PORTFOLIO(ETP) SYSTEM Bonnie Doren, Peter FitzGerald, & Laurie Kahn University of Oregon
1. What is the ETP System? 2. Highlights of the ETP System For Students For Teachers 3. What’s Next and Questions 4. Opportunity to Demo Session Agenda
What is the ETP System? A web-based interactive technology-based tool to assist high school students with learning difficulties to: Collect a body of evidence to demonstrate learning and experiences required for high school graduation and preparation for postschool environments Promote self-directed learning and reflection Provide tools for postschool planning
Phases of Project Students with disabilities, teachers, transition specialist, employers Obtain Input Select platform Design and test prototypes and system functionality Iterative feedback from students and teachers Design Conduct usability testing and obtain feedback from students and teachers Usability Testing Revise system based on usability testing Revise Test out site in real educational settings Collect pre-post student outcome data Obtain student and teacher feedback Pilot* Revise Site based on Pilot test Revise
Input We Received A place to show who I am and my skills Provide some templates Upload different files Be able to personalize An easy way to organize my work Relate to what I already have to do Include career-related learning and practical skills A place to journal and reflect Interact with my students Easy way to track my students progress StudentsTeachers
Student Usability Testing Information (Students with Learning Disabilities, Autism, & Mild Cognitive Impairments)
Student Site Features
Student developed profile page Interactive icons: Links to transition sites, templates, dictionary site, calculator
Sample student profile page Alert icon, haven’t journaled in over a week
Launching page for can do areas
Subcategory page for : Who am I & Where am I going?
Teamwork Can Do Items
Finding a job items The slate is where students upload files to “prove” they can do the item they checked as done and also provides a place to add reflections on what the file shows
All About Me page shows what has been completed, what has been marked to do, and archive of best work files all sortable by category & date
When all marked to dos in category are done
Progress: Quick Look
Best work page. Sortable by column headings
Journal Page
Calendar page links to do dates
This is a place to drag and drop specific best work items with attached files and reflection to print or save for a specific purpose (e.g., job interview, class presentations)
Teacher Site Features
This is the teacher’s dashboard
Teachers can read or launch an audio-visual screen cast on how to use the site. Students have this feature too-- in the How Do I Section
Sample page of view/manage student accounts. Sortable by student name, , date added and last accessed
Report of all student selected to do items. Sortable by date, student, can do category, and item
Class Summary Report. Can also obtain individual reports
Feedback: What do you think? what would you want? What would your students want? How could you see using it? Other resources Opportunities for involvement Demo Site What is Next?
University of Oregon Peter FitzGerald Laurie Kahn Bonnie Doren ServerLogic Todd Tomlinson aHa! Consulting Brian Gilday Who Are We?