New format which merges with IGAP (Individual Growth Action Plan) My Learning Plan
MLP – Getting Started Open your internet browser. Type in the URL address: or you can log on to My Learning Plan from the TUSD website – double click on staff section link. Type in your User Name and Password. (User Name and Password will both be last name, first initial: for example for Sally Smith you would type “smiths”. You may change your password after you have logged in. Click “Login”
You will no longer use the heading Knowledge Plan (marked out) unless you are continuing a previous Knowledge Plan prior to January Your Former Knowledge Plans are still in the system. You can continue to do activities off of your Former Knowledge Plan until your evaluation year in the IGAP process.
FORMER KNOWLEDGE PLAN You can not make NEW plans in the Former Knowledge Plan link. You can only refer back to the plans for Knowledge Level Leave Requests. When you open old plans this is an example of what they will now look like.
The IGAP will be replacing the Knowledge Plan beginning January Anyone who does not have a current Knowledge Plan in MLP or if you are in a BER evaluation year (formal evaluation) you need to begin immediately using the new IGAP form in MLP. If you are first or second year in the BER evaluation process you can begin transferring from your current IGAP. You will click on the IGAP link found under the Fill-In Forms on the left hand side.
First Section of IGAP FORM - After you open the IGAP link this is the first section you will complete, (1) You will need to click on one applicable District goal (you may only have one goal per IGAP Plan). If you have a goal that does not fall into one of the districts’ four goals you will click on “personal” goal. (2) Type the Goal Title – this will be the same goal that you clicked on in step one. (3) You will need to write a general (not too specific) goal statement in the goal statement box. (4) You will then type in the start date and end date. NOTE CHANGE: For the Start and End dates you will use your IGAP three year cycle; NOT the teaching licensure expiration date
Example of Section 1 of IGAP
Second Section of IGAP Form - Identify 1- 3 objectives to be accomplished from the goal selected above and write the objectives in the spaces provided.
Example of Section 2 of IGAP
Third Section of IGAP form – (1) In the Planned Activities you will describe the activities you will do in years 1, 2 & 3. (2) You will also need to click on the Level of Point Assignment. (Refer back to the District Goals at the beginning of the handout). 1 2
Example of Section 3 of IGAP
Section 4 of IGAP Form – The final part of the IGAP form is the Assessment and Timeline section. (1) You will identify the type of assessments and time frame (if applicable). (Refer back to the District Goal’s at the beginning of the handout). (2) You may want to save as a draft until you and your building supervisor have gone over and finalized your IGAP. 1 2
Example of Section 4 of IGAP Hit Submit when complete
Knowledge Level Activity Request Form When you are attending or participating in any activity that you want in your MLP, you need to complete a Knowledge Level Activity Request Form which is the first link under Fill-In-Forms.
The top half of the Knowledge Level Point - Leave Request Form (1) You will identify your goal. (2) You will fill in the Activity Title, Description and Location. (3) You will click on the pull down menu for the activity format and select the type of activity. (4) You will click on the pull down menu for the Professional Development (Content Standards, Professional Standards or Service to the Profession.)
Example of top of Knowledge Level Point - Leave Request
Bottom portion of Knowledge Level Point - Leave Request (1) Fill in the beginning and end dates of activity. (2) Fill in the amount of hours (not including travel times, breaks, and meal times). (3) Click on the pull down menu for Provider (who is providing the training?). (4) Select either Licensure or Salary. Activities during the contract day are licensure. Activities outside of the contract day can be both licensure and salary. If an activity occurs during contract time and extends outside contract time then two leave requests must be filled out if you want to submit the activity both ways
Example for Bottom Part of Knowledge Level Point - Leave Request
How to take an Activity to the Application Level: Click on Activities once they are marked completed at the bottom of your profile page.
Click on the Application Level under the Actions portion of the page.
Top Section of the Application Level Request Form 1. Click on the applicable District Goal. 2. You will click on the pull down menu for the Professional Development (Content Standards, Professional Standards or Service to the Profession.) 3. Type in the original activity title that was used in the knowledge level leave request. 4. Describe application activity/activities which will be used
Bottom Portion of the Application Level Request Form 1. Type in start and end dates of application activity/activities. 2. Complete the Plan For Application questions. 3. Points will automatically be filled in. (Knowledge level points x2) 4. Select option for Licensure or Salary
Other Information: You will not be able to move to Impact level until the Knowledge and Application levels are completed and approved. More information about Impact level will come later. The form for college courses remains the same. You will access it by clicking on the College Course link under the Fill-In Forms on the home page in MLP. The following supplemental is an overview of how to use MLP for Licensure.