Seeking, receiving and managing funds and real personal property for the benefit of Optimist International and its Member Clubs in its charitable, literary and educational activities.
Our Motto is ‘Helping Optimists Help Kids’ The Foundation is a 501(C)3 charitable organization Our Focus is to provide supportive services to Clubs as they undertake their mission in their community Gifts made through the Foundation are tax-deductible if used for a charitable, literary, or educational purpose
The Foundation provides charitable services to Clubs o Clubs can leverage charitable contributions by offering tax deductible receipts to donors by using the Pass-Through Program or Club Campaign Fund The Foundation awards 20 Club Grants each year o Clubs with a new project can apply for the Grant o The application is available online starting January 2, 2015 Applications are due March 6, 2015
The Foundation provides funding for: o District Essay Scholarship o District Oratorical Scholarship o District CCDHH Scholarship The Foundation funds or partially funds all Optimist International Programs
The number of Optimists that contributed to the Foundation last year was 1 in 20 Join us in changing this number. Consider making a gift today.
For more information, please visit