AP® helps you earn college credit and stand out in the college admissions process College-level classes, taught in high school Rigorous national collegiate standards Potentially earning college credit Taught by qualified, prepared faculty College Board offers more than 34 Advanced Placement courses. reach higher
Advanced Placement Program ® AP ® teachers use college-level materials and course descriptions developed by a committee of college faculty and AP teachers. AP Course Descriptions reflect courses taught in colleges and universities throughout the country. Yearly AP Audit of schools and courses will accredit program
Imagine and succeed 90 % of U.S. colleges and universities and 45 countries have an AP policy granting incoming students credit for qualifying AP Examination grades. Students gain college-level analytical and study skills. Students gain academic confidence.
Plan for future success AP students are more likely to graduate from college in four years - students who take longer to graduate at public colleges and universities can spend up to $19,000 1 for each additional year. AP helps students qualify for scholarships - 31 percent of colleges and universities look at AP experience when determining scholarships 85 percent of selective colleges and universities report that a student’s AP experience favorably impacts admissions decisions.
Byron Nelson AP Courses Last year, Byron gave 1004 tests to 473 kids. We gave about 330 more tests than NHS, and this was our first year with a senior class! Out of the 34 test subjects available, we gave 24 of them. We did not give: Art History, Chinese, Japanese, Latin, European History*, Physics B, Physics C Electricity & Magnetism*, Comparative Government, Italian, and Human Geography* All teachers have been authorized by College Board with an approved syllabus.
Byron Nelson AP Courses The AP test window for 2013 is May 6 through May 17. AM tests begin at 8, but students are expected to arrive by 7:15. PM tests begin at 12, but students are pulled out at 11:30. If there is a conflict with two tests on the same day, students can take a test during the late testing window (May 22-24). If a student has a personal conflict, there is an additional late fee of $40 to take a test during the late test window. There are many wonderful senior events (Senior Walk, Royal Awards, picnic) that occur during that late testing window.
Byron Nelson AP Courses English Language Arts Language and Composition (11 th ) Literature and Composition (12 th ) Foreign Language (French, Spanish, German) Language and Composition Literature and Composition Fine Arts Studio Art Portfolios (3) Art History Music Theory Social Studies – World History – U.S. History – Government (1 sem.) – Economics (1 sem.) – Psychology – European History – Human Geography Math and Computer Science – Calculus AB and BC – Statistics – Computer Science A Science – Biology – Chemistry – Physics C – Environmental Science
Byron Nelson Exam Information It is the expectation that if a student takes an AP class, he or she will pay for and take the AP exam. Exams are $59 this year. NISD is paying $30 for each exam as they are really $89 a test. Students on free and reduced lunch: tests are $28 each. Parent letters regarding the test offerings and payment plan information will go home in October. We will do a mock AP exam in most classes in March as a snapshot into what your student has mastered and what he or she still needs to work on. This mock exam is not optional.
Week 1 Morning 8 a.m. Afternoon 12 noon Monday, May 6 Chemistry Environmental Science Psychology Tuesday, May 7 Computer Science A Spanish Language Art History Wednesday, May 8 Calculus AB Calculus BC Chinese Language and Culture Thursday, May 9 English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Latin Friday, May 10 English Language and Composition Statistics Studio Art—last day for Coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8 p.m. EDT) and to gather 2-D Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly Teachers should have forwarded students' completed digital portfolios to Coordinators before this date. AP Exam Schedule
Week 2 Morning 8 a.m. Afternoon 12 noon Afternoon 2 p.m. Monday, May 13 Biology Music Theory Physics B Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday, May 14 United States Government and Politics Comparative Government and Politics French Language and Culture Wednesday, May 15 German Language and Culture United States History European History Thursday, May 16 Macroeconomics World History Italian Language and Culture Microeconomics Friday, May 17 Human Geography Spanish Literature and Culture
For Additional Information about the AP ® Program Visit Understanding how AP works Benefits gained through involvement in AP Expanding student access to AP AP Preparation FAQs Speak with teachers and counselors