The economic “evolution” of country We used to use the following terms when distinguishing among countries and where they are in terms of their development. (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd world) This is not really appropriate anymore for several reasons. Why? 1. not ‘politically’ correct 2. It is harder to “label” now because of various meanings of the word ‘developed’. 3. Countries are at different stages of the development continuum. First world = Developed Nations Second World = Developing Nations Third World= Underdeveloped Nations
A ‘Developed’ country… has a developed economy - the tertiary and quarternary sectors of industry dominate. this level of economic development usually translates into a high income per capita and a high Human Development Index (HDI) (other qualities of life besides just money) has a high GDP (gross domestic product) per capita - GDP = the market value of all final goods and services produced within the borders of a nation in a year. often has established levels of social programs, human rights guarantees, and democratic government
A ‘Developing’ country… Often has a relatively low standard of living Often has an undeveloped industrial base Often has a moderate to low Human Development Index (HDI) Often has a low per capita income Often has widespread poverty also, low standards of democratic governments, social programs, and human rights guaranteesdemocratic governmentssocial programshuman rights guarantees
NIC – Newly Industrialized Countries Countries with more advanced economies than other developing nations, but which have not yet fully demonstrated the other signs of a developed country, are grouped under the term NIC developed country They are often referred to as “emerging” countries.
You are responsible for completing each of the following tasks. You should work in a partnership. Read the directions carefully!! All complete work will be passed in as an organized package. SCO 3.1: Describe the evolution of global economic activity in Atlantic Canada SCO 3.2: Analyse factors that contribute to the globalization of economic activity SCO 3.3: Demonstrate an understanding of how the globalization of economic activity affects Atlantic Canadians and others in the global community
1. Read the article, G8 and G20, and complete the questions that follow. 2. View The Story of Stuff and complete the accompanying booklet. 3. Read the article Is America the Next Third- World Country? from MacLean’s Magazine (Sept. 2010). Summarize this article in one paragraph. Link:..\Economics\Article - Is America the Next Third World Country.doc..\Economics\Article - Is America the Next Third World Country.doc
Listen closely for clues as the description is read aloud… Canada! (At the turn of the 20 th century… the early 1900s!!) What is one lesson /message we should take from this description? Change happens… quickly!!
4. List the G8 and G20 countries today. 5. Researc h the world’s nations in terms of Gross Domestic Product… list the top 20 and the bottom Research and list the world’s top 10 largest corporations. 7. Mapping Activity … see directions (next slide)
Using the blank map of the world provided, select a theme related to economics and label: - countries - major bodies of water - show/communicate your theme (colour? legend? Etc.) Possible themes: GDP per capita NICs World Trade HDI Other? (your idea)
8. Read: What’s Your Consumption Factor by Jarred Diamond Link: Task: Summarize this article in one paragraph. ___________________________________________________ 9. Read: ‘Plastic Soup’ Link: dump-a-tip-that-stretches-from-hawaii-to-japan html dump-a-tip-that-stretches-from-hawaii-to-japan html View: Pacific Garbage Dump (NBC - Nightline) View: Manila’s City of Garbage Task: Summarize this article in one paragraph. Include a statement addressing the two videos as well.
10. Read: Buried Treasure (handout) Task: Complete follow-up questions. * For question 6, include an illustration (perhaps something like the one below) on the back of the handout. This image was found here or by googling disposal of waste by composition
Good Stuff? A Behind-the-Scenes Guide to the Things We Buy. (The Worldwatch Institute) Link: What is the goal of the WorldWatch Institute’s Good Stuff program? (see Introduction on p. 2) 12. Surf through The Stuff brochures (appliances, cars, cell phones, fast food, etc. on pages ) Select one of the topics you find interesting and reproduce the brochure on white paper. 13. Complete the Good Stuff Quiz (p. 28) 14. Complete the Good Stuff Challenge (p.28)
Reminder: Pass in all work related to this quest in an organized booklet/package. (Be sure your name(s) is(are) on it!) Due: Tuesday, Jan. 15 th
4321 SCO 3.2 : Analyse factors that contribute to the globalization of economic activity SCO 3.3 : Demonstrate an understanding of how the globalization of economic activity affects Atlantic Canadians and others in the global community SCO 4.1 : Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between environmental issues in Atlantic Canada and global environmental issues SCO 6.1 : Take age-appropriate action that demonstrates active global citizenship