North Plainfield Pre-School North Plainfield Pre-School Information Guide
Approved Private Pre-School Providers ►Growing Tree Pre-School ►Holy Cross Pre-School ►Taylor Learning Center District Pre-School Provider ►East End School. All private providers are licensed with the NJ Department of Human Services/Division of Youth and Family Services.
What pre-school program does the district offer? Beginning in September 2001, the district has offered a free pre-school program for North Plainfield residents for 2.5 hours per day for 180 days between September 1 and June 30 with several North Plainfield pre-school providers. North Plainfield also offers a district inclusive pre-school class at East End School in the afternoon.
Which children are eligible for the pre- school program? In order to qualify for the program, students must reach the age of four (4) on or before October 15 of the year in which they wish to enroll. Children who reach the age of five (5) before October 15 are eligible for the district’s full day kindergarten program.
How do I register my child? A parent or guardian may register a student for the program by calling the Office of the Assistant Superintendent at , ext to make arrangements to pick up registration materials. An appointment will be scheduled to return the completed registration materials.
Which pre-school will my child attend? After all registration materials have been submitted and approved at the district level, parents may enroll their children by appointment in any of the approved local providers or at East End on a first-come, first served basis. Enrollment in any of the schools is open and non- discriminatory. Each pre-school will enroll students until they have filled up their available slots.
What about extended or full day care for my child beyond the 2.5 hours daily? Any additional fee-based arrangements must be made directly with the local provider. The district will only cover the costs of the 2.5 hours daily.
Will transportation be provided? Parents will be responsible for transporting their children to and from school.
What type of pre-school curriculum will be offered? Providers will offer a complete educational program with age-appropriate instructional practices aligned with New Jersey’s Core Curriculum Content Standards.
What is an inclusive pre-school? Pre-school children with learning or physical disabilities will be educated in the same class as peers with no disabilities.
Hours of Operation Pre-school classes are offered at the following times: PRIVATE PROVIDERS *Growing Tree Pre-School A.M.9:00-11:30 P. M.12:30-3:00 **Holy Cross Pre-School A.M.9:00-11:30 P. M.12:30-3:00 *Taylor Learning Center A.M. 9:00-11:30 P.M. 12:30-3:00 PUBLIC PROVIDER East End School P.M. only12:15 – 2:45 *Extended Childcare Available; Open All Year ** Extended Childcare Available During School Year