Make it Work! How to put arts integration to work in YOUR school Presented by: Susan Riley Arts Integration Specialist Thunder Hill Elementary School
Objectives To understand what arts integration is, how it engages students and why it’s important. To learn more about how to customize this program to fit your needs. To examine techniques that will provide buy-in and support from the whole school community.
Who am I? Susan Riley, Arts Integration Specialist in Howard County Public Schools, MD. Masters in Educational Administration/Supervision. Teacher Development Liaison for Thunder Hill ES. Piloted a successful arts integration program at THES for the past 3 years. Our custom car: The Honda Pilot.
Why Do We Customize?
Program Features According to the Kennedy Center, Arts Integration is “Making natural and meaningful connections between an arts form(s) and another curricular area. In an arts- integrated lesson, students should gain knowledge and/or skills in both subjects. There should be learning objectives that are measurable in both the art form and the other subject area”.
Look Fors
Lesson Plans
Gas mileage!
Question 1: Arts Integration had a positive impact on student learning in my classroom 53.3% Strongly Agree 31.3% Agree 12.5% Somewhat Agree Question 2: The curriculum is more accessible to students of various learning styles using arts integration. 56.3% Strongly Agree 43.8% Agree Question 4: After trying arts integration this year, I am interested in continuing to use this method of teaching next year. 56.3% Strongly Agree 43.8% Agree Question 8: Arts Integration has helped to facilitate more collaborative planning. 33.3% Strongly Agree 46.7% Agree 20.0% Somewhat Agree Staff Survey Results Sample
Which model are you? Slow, but practical. The “family” car. A tank. No one or nothing will dent this. Huge trunk space for lots of baggage. A classic! 1971 Olds Cutlass Supreme
Which model are you? Is large enough for a family, but is still good on gas mileage. Will run forever. Can be difficult to turn in tight spots. Nothing fancy but not plain Jane either Honda Pilot
Which model are you? Sleek and compact. Has some nice upgrades and features. Doesn’t have a lot of room for bulky items. Has good horsepower when you need it. Lexus GS10
What model are you? The ultimate in luxury. Electric hybrid makes gas mileage incredible. Relax with lots of leg room. Speed is no option Cadillac Escalade Hybrid
Different Perspectives “We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” ~Anaïs Nin
What options to include? Sub time Professional development days Visiting schools Professional book clubs Course work Partnerships and Artists in Residence
Ready, Set, Build - Choose your Model! Introduction and Facilitation of Arts Integration
Ready, Set, Build - Options! Professional Development Strategies that work!
Ready, Set, Build - Options! Lesson Plan Templates
Ready, Set, Build - Options! Blogs and/or Computer Conferences
Ready, Set, Build - Options! Lesson Plan Bank
Time to buy! Putting down an initial investment
Evaluate your Purchase Take time to notice.... * Data * Lessons Implemented * Student Work Samples
Peer Reviews
Vision for your next car... What model would you LIKE to be?
Thank you!
Contact Information Susan Riley