ORIGINAL MATERIALS: -Books or Print Outs Students to acquire the content decided by the teacher. - Handouts Directions to how to begin a peer-led discussion. -Chart Paper/Outlines Places to graph data/write down content. -Sticky Notes Place to write down questions. -Presentation Board/Wall Area to place sticky notes.
DIRECTIONS: 1. Students read assigned articles (split the classroom so all students are not reading the same article) 2. Have students write questions on the sticky notes and put them on the board/wall 3. Allow students to pair up and fill out charts/handouts
ADDING TECHNOLOGY: -To add technology to this activity, a webcam could be set up so two or more classrooms could talk about the book(s), to talk to the author, or to speak to someone of that culture of the book, etc. -An app could be invented to choose who speaks and what the student must touch on. There could be sections for categories and the teacher would plug in the options for those categories. For example, assign each student a number and for one category type in all the numbers. The next category would be “in the book” questions or “in my head” questions. The next category could maybe be comment on this characters, and list all the characters. The teacher would then click the ‘randomize’ button and a number, a choice of what question to ask, and a character would come up (Example: 13, “in my head” question, Dr. Robot). Student number 13 would have to ask an “in my head question” and comment on Dr. Robot to the class.
APP: The app would function as a tool to get the conversation started, to allow everyone to talk, and makes sure that the students have read the book/are prepared for the discussion (in this case). This empowers the students to read and participate thoroughly as they know what will be expected of them.
NEW LESSON PLAN: HOW IS IT BETTER? My constructivist approach to change the group discussions to a class discussion increases the social aspect of learning as well as opening students up to people they would not normally work with. A class discussion allows people to practice speaking in front of a group of people versus two of their closest classmates. The added technology tools enhances the constructivist approach because they add more socialization and creativity to the classroom. The webcam allows students to reach out to different cultures or people related to the book. The app enforces students to read and participate thoroughly as they know what is expected of them. This technology adds value to the lesson as it allows students to dig deeper into the activity and adds variety to how content is presented.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Manning, Emily. "No Teachers Allowed: Student-Led Book Clubs Using QAR." Readwritethink, n.d. Web. 19 Jan