Name, event, date Lew Fulton UNEP May 23, 2006
Road Map of Today’s Presentation 1.Urban Growth & Air Pollution Problems: (a)Urban populations and growth rates (b)Increase in vehicle numbers (c)The cost and impacts of poor urban air quality 2.Solutions for the Reduction of Vehicle Emissions: (a)Options (b)The PCFV: (i)Introduction & mission (ii)Partners (iii)Objectives (iv)Sub-Saharan Africa example
Urban Populations – by Region Urban populations in 2000, by region
Urbanisation by Region
Vehicle Growth: Uganda Example ,000 34, ,000
Urban Air Pollution a Key Issue WHO estimates more than 1 billion people exposed to outdoor air exceeding maximum recommended levels Up to 800 thousand premature deaths, up to 1 million pre-native deaths Local and global effects (climate change) Cost of urban air pollution estimated to be 2% of GDP, in developed countries and more than 5% in developing countries (e.g. 7% China, to rise to 13% by 2020)
In US almost half of urban residents exposed to harmful levels of ozone In Nairobi, Kenya, lead levels are more than 25 times as high as WHO standards In Shanghai, China, mobile sources are contributing between 70%-90% to air pollution such as CO, NOx, HC and particulates GEF now recognises transport sector as key to CO2 emissions Urban Air Pollution a Key Issue - Continued
Developmental Effects Hospitalization Asthma Attacks and Bronchitis Premature Deaths Deaths Cancer Air Pollution: Health Effects
Strategies to Reduce Transportation Emissions in Urban Areas Environment and transport strategies: Modal splits (subsidies & new modes) City planning Promoting non-motorised transport Promoting public transport Cleaner fuels and vehicles
Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) Set up at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, August 2002 To promote clean fuels and vehicles to address urban air quality Public – private partnership Clearing-House at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya
PCFV Objectives The elimination of lead in gasoline and the phase down of sulfur in diesel and gasoline fuels, concurrent with; The adoption of cleaner vehicle technologies website:
Objective 1: Lead in Gasoline Lead is added to gasoline to enhance octane Lead has severe health effects Blocks clean vehicles technologies, esp. introduction catalytic converters Alternatives available Lead phase out world wide African continent, Middle East and Central Asia still using lead
Leaded Gasoline: Health & Environmental Effects (example Egypt) Heart Attacks - 6,500 to 11,600 Strokes to 1,400 Premature Deaths (Adults) - 6,300 to 11,100 Infant Deaths ~ 820 Average IQ Loss in Children Points Damage to cars (spark plugs, filters…) Egypt went unleaded
Objective 2: Sulfur in Fuels Sulfur levels in crude oil differ per region, and thus sulfur levels in fuels differ Health effects and environment effects Regulations differ between 10,000 ppm and less than 25 ppm Need for lower sulfur levels for modern engines
Sulfur: Health & Environmental Effects Sulfur: bronchitis, asthma PM: Cardio-respiratory problems and some constituents of fine particulate matter, such as diesel smoke, are carcinogenic Sulfur and particulate problems (visibility) Damage to plants and buildings Acid rain Vehicle engine & component damage
Sulfur Pollution: Example of Environmental Effects Source:
Objective 3: Clean Vehicles Need to see fuels and vehicles as a system: certain vehicles need certain fuels and vise-versa Need to look at fuel-vehicle combination per region Vehicles - Options: No or ultra low emission vehicles Conventional vehicles Retrofit vehicles
Clean Vehicles - continued Vehicles - Options: 1- No or ultra low emission vehicles: hybrids & hydrogen 2- Conventional vehicles modern engines, catalytic converters 3- Retrofit vehicles esp. diesel technology; diesel traps (fuels needs?)
Activities of the Partnership
PCFV Activities Information collection and dissemination Substantive activities
Information: Website
Information: Newsletter
Information: Regional Overviews
PCFV Substantive Activities Global level Working groups Regional level Regional action plans Sub-regional Sub-regional workshops National level Direct support
PCFV – Substantive Activities Global Working Groups: Valve Seat Recession (Publication Available) Octane Sulfur Public Awareness Vehicles (New)
Sulphur Activities A new PCFV sulphur publication will soon be available Working with specific Asian countries on sulphur issues though the Clearing House and Partners Diesel bus retrofit projects in China and Thailand Awareness workshops on fuel sulphur issues
Progress in Sub Saharan: Africa September 2001 Unleaded Dual system
Africa January 2006 Unleaded Dual system
Situation in Asia
Thank You!