Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment Evaluation Criteria and Procedure
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 2 And the winner is…
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 3 Content Timeline and contracts Standardized structures Evaluation criteria Evaluators Evaluation process
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 4 Timeline and contracts
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 5 From Project Idea to Project Management t=9 montht= month Project Idea Project Preparation Build a Proposal Sub- mission Evaluation How to negotiate Project Management NCP-Support t=0
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 6 Call FP7-ENV-2010 Date of publication:30 July 2009 Deadline (Brussels local time) : 5 January 2010, 17:00 Remote evaluation: February 2010 Consensus meetings in Brussels: March 2010 Meetings of the Review Panels: March 2010 Quick call info send to Programme Committee: 9 April 2010 Initial information letters sent to coordinators: 9 April 2010
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 7 Type of contracts Consortium EU Commission Grant Agreement (GA) Consortium Agreement (CA) Agreement between project participants. EU Commission (EC) is not a party and does not check it! Mandatory (call for proposals) Can NOT conflict with provisions of GA! GA prevails Agreement between project participants. EU Commission (EC) is not a party and does not check it! Mandatory (call for proposals) Can NOT conflict with provisions of GA! GA prevails
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 8 Standardized structures
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 9 Standardised evaluation structures Work package descriptions Work package list Deliverables list List of milestones Summary of staff effort Use charts!
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 10 Evaluation criteria
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 11 Evaluation (Part B) by independent panels of experts 3 criteria: S/T excellence Management / Implementation Impact / Dissemination scores > ranking list process ~ 3 months Commission strictly sticks to Expert Decisions!
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 12 Evaluation criteria Scientific and/or technological excellence relevant to the topics addressed by the call Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management appropriateness of the management structure and procedures quality and relevant experience of the individual participants The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results Minimum threshold S/T quality4/5 Implementation3/5 Impact4/5 Overall threshold required 12/15
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 13 Scientific and technical quality S&T excellence, quality of objectives, novelty, concept Implementation Quality of the consortium, competence and complementarity of partners (no expertise required should be missing, no blind passenger) Quality of the management, reflects coordination Mobilisation of the resources (infractructure expected), budget Impact as set out in work programme (in line with the Commission ’ s strategies) dissamination activities (not only academic, but broad societal dissemination) and IPR management appropriately dealt with Evaluation criteria
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 14 The evaluators
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 15 Call FP7-ENV-2010 Evaluators CategoryFemaleMaleTotal% EU Member States Associated States Intl. Co-op Partner Countries Developed Countries49135 Total Percentages (%)3862
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 16 How to become an expert? Register on
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 17 Evaluation processes
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 18 Proposal Individual evaluation Consensus Panel review Consultation of programme committee (if required) Commission funding and/or rejection decision with hearing (optional) Thresholds Eligibility Negotiation Commission ranking Commission rejection decision Ethical Review (if needed) Security Scrutiny (if needed) Applicants informed of results of expert evaluation* invitation to submit second-stage proposal, when applicable Applicants informed of Commission decision Processes
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 19 Eligibility criteria Date and time of receipt of proposal on or before deadline for receipt ◦ Firm deadlines Minimum number of eligible, independent partners ◦ As set out in work programme and the call Completeness of proposal ◦ Presence of all requested forms “Out of scope” Others (eg..budget limits)
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 20 The experts Experts agree to terms and conditions of an “appointment letter” Typically, an individual will review 6-8 proposals “remotely”…. …then spend a couple of days in Brussels Some will participate in “hearings” with the consortia Travel and subsistence reimbursed ◦ Plus €450 honorarium per day Experts sign confidentiality and conflict of interest declaration Names published after the evaluations
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 21 Built on the basis of the individual assessments of all the evaluators Usually involves a discussion Moderated by a commission staff-member One expert acts as rapporteur Agreement on consensus marks and comments for each of the criteria Consensus
Dr. Marion Tobler, NCP Environment 22 Panel review Panel Meeting Compare consensus reports Examines proposals with same consensus score (if needed) Final marks and comments for each proposal Suggestions on order of priority, clustering, amendments, etc. Hearings with proposers may be convened Questions to the invited proposal coordinators Small number of proposal representatives