Edmodo is a social networking platform for teachers, students, and parents. It allows communication and collaboration online in a safe environment. It allows students to learn in a way that they are familiar with.
Now that you know what Edmodo is you are ready to jump right in! Go to OR download the app on your iPad. Use the provided handout and take the next 5-10 minutes to register for your teacher account.
Groups make it easy for the teacher to distribute notes, assignments and quizzes, and provide a way for students to communicate and collaborate. You can create a different Group for each class or period. You can create as many Groups as you would like.
Once your Groups are created you can customize your Groups. You can provide your co-teacher access to your Groups. You can set certain restrictions for the members of the Groups. You can create Small Groups within your Groups. You can delete or archive Groups and Small Groups once you are done with them.
Now that you know all about Groups, you are ready to create your own! Using the provided handout, take the next 10 minutes and create a Group for this upcoming school year. I will be walking around to provide assistance.
Your students will sign up for Edmodo the same way that you did using the “I’m a Student” button. Your students will NOT need an address to create an account, but they will need a unique username and password. You will need to provide your students with the Group code once they join in order for them to join your class.
Edmodo offers many ways to communicate and collaborate. The main features on your homepage are: Note Alert Assignment Quiz Poll
Send out announcements, news, directions, and more using the note feature.
Send important news and reminders as alerts using 140 characters or less.
Use the assignment feature as a digital dropbox.
Create quizzes to assign to your students.
Poll your students.
Now that you know about the different basic features of Edmodo. Take the next 5-7 minutes to try them out.
There are numerous ways to use Edmodo in your classroom. Here are just a few ideas: Peer review/collaborative writing ◦ Students can upload their writing for other students to review. Students can leave comments. Role Playing ◦ Write “what if” scenarios that students have to respond to.
There are numerous ways to use Edmodo in your classroom. Here are just a few ideas: Current Events ◦ Encourage real-time discussions about current events. Embed Padlet ◦ Yes, you can embed a wall to give wall posts a more collaborative feel.
There are numerous ways to use Edmodo in your classroom. Here are just a few ideas: Project Based Learning ◦ Have students work together in small groups on a project. Book Clubs ◦ Encourage students to read by facilitating discussions with prompts.
There are many Edmodo resources available online. Visit to find this presentation as well as many additional resources! Any Questions?