Taronga Zoo Saving and Preservation of endangered species
Endangered Animals Unique Species Why are there so many unique animals in Australia? Why are there so many unique animals in Australia? Mammals. Mammals. Koala Koala What is done to save endangered animals? What is done to save endangered animals?
Koala Phascolarctos cinereus K K K Koala is an Aboriginal name meaning ‘no drink’ as they rarely drink. Feeding exclusively on low- energy eucalyptus leaves, they sleep up to twenty hours a day. Born the size of a jelly bean, Koalas travel to their mother’s pouch where they stay until they are old enough to cling onto her back. Taronga is currently home to 14 koalas and visitors can have a close encounter with our famous Australian icon every day. Ken, our resident stud, has recently been introduced to our breeding females Jolie, Waminda, Cooee and Adori in our Koala Walkabout exhibit. Western Plains Zoo is home to 7 koalas.
Zoos in Australia