Endangered Species Bingo An introduction to endangered species
What is an endangered species?
A species whose population numbers are so small that it is at risk of extinction
Examples of endangered species around the world
Some species are more endangered than others Emperor tamarin Bongo Hogfish Purple frog Pere David’s deer OrchidPassenger pigeon
What does it mean if a species becomes extinct?
The last living member of that species dies and no more members of that species exists, even in zoos or aquariums.
Can you name any extinct species? Quagga Golden toad
Threats to endangered species: Caused by nature Competition with other species Disease Weather-related catastrophes Natural predators Caused by humans Hunting/poaching Habitat destruction Pollution Competition for habitats
Discussion -What are other threats to endangered species that can alter their population levels? -Which of these species categories surprised you? Critically Endangered? Extinct? -What did you find were common threats to endangered species population sizes?
Activity 1 – Conservation Worksheets Working alone, or in pairs, use what you’ve learned about conservation statuses to research the worksheet species on To find out their conservation status, click on the “Status” tab in the upper right of each species page. Click on “Threats” and write down one of the major threats facing each species. Or, if extinct, what caused the species to become extinct. Write your answers in the box next to each species on the Conservation Definitions worksheet.
Activity 2 – Endangered Species Bingo! Now that you’ve become familiar with a few endangered species, let’s test your skills with Endangered Species Bingo! The goal of Endangered Species Bingo is to place 5 markers in a row horizontally, diagonally or vertically. Place a marker on the species photograph when that species name is called out. When you place 5 markers in a row, call out Bingo!