Lauran Guerra
Prior to the 20 th century… Teacher Chalkboard Textbook Nowadays… Physical means through which instructions presented to learners.
Appeared as early as the first decade of the 1900’s. Used to house educational material used for “visual instruction”. Ex. Portable exhibits, stereographs, films, slides, charts, and prints. A district wide “media center” is a modern day equivalent to the school museums.
The interest in the various types of media in the school museums gave rise to the “Visual instruction” movement. The motion picture projector was one of the first devices used in schools. The first catalog of instructional films was published by the U.S. in A school system in Rochester, New York adopted the films for regular use later that year.
“Books will soon be obsolete in the schools…It is possible to teach every branch of human knowledge with the motion picture. Our school system will be completely changed in the next ten years.” – Thomas Edison, 1913.
The visual instruction movement did grow. There were many organizations, journals, and publications that appeared during this time. However, the revolutionary changes Thomas Edison spoke of did not occur as he predicted. Teachers were resistant to change…. And struggled to operate the equipment.
Visual instruction becomes audio visual instruction with the advent of radio broadcasting and sound recording. Despite the Great Depression, the audio visual movement grew thanks to a merger that combined 3 existing organizations for visual instruction into 1. Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
Audiovisual devices were used extensively by the American government. 400 training films and 600 filmstrips were produced in a two year period ( ). There was an estimated 4 million showings of these films to military personnel. Overhead projectors were first invented during WWII.
Leaders in the audiovisual instruction movement became interested in models and theories of communication. The Shannon and Weaver model (as shown) is an example of one of these theories.
Possibly the most important factor to affect the audiovisual movement. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) set aside 242 channels for educational purposes. The Ford Foundation spent more than $170 million funding educational TV.
Interest in Educational Television waned. Ford Foundation decided to focus on TV in general. The quality of the broadcasts were mediocre. Teachers and Administration were resistant to change. TV’s and Installation were expensive.
IBM began researching computer assisted instruction (CAI) as early as the 1950’s. Computers had little impact on education until the advent of the personal computer in the early 1980’s. By % of elementary schools and 75% of secondary schools were using computers for instructional purposes.
By the mid 1990’s the impact of computers in the classroom was very small. In most cases they were used for drill and practice or word processing. This has changed drastically in the last decade….
Increased multimedia capacity. Increased ease in interaction and collaboration with peers and instructors in online settings.
1956– Benjamin Bloom publishes “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives” – USSR launches Sputnik prompting the US government to spend millions of dollars on math and science education in the US.
1962’s – Richard Mayer writes “Preparing Objectives for Programmed Instruction” “Each objective must be defined in terms that clarify the kind of behavior which the course should help develop.” – Ralph Tyler 1963 – Robert Glaser coins term “Criterion- referenced measures” 1967 – Michael Scriven coins “Formative” and “Summative” evaluation.
1975 – US military adopts an instructional design model to guide training within its branches. 1980’s – This type of use for instructional design is used highly by businesses. 1990’s – The “authentic” learning movement is born.
A survey of over 300 companies found that 30% of their training was completed online. 2009 – More than 57% of secondary schools provide students with online learning. 2010 – A survey found that over 50% of college professors use social media for educational purposes.
In order for media to be effective teachers must…. have detailed instructional planning have a clear understanding of the equipment used. Be willing to learn how to use the new forms of media!