American Media Unit
Print Media Newspapers, magazines, journals, news letters, etc. Oldest form of media Predate our nation The New York Times “Paper of record”
Broadcast Media Television News ABC, NBC, CBS CNN, FOX News (Conservative), MSNBC (Liberal) June 1 st 1980 (CNN born) Cable News Ratings These “experts” have had as much of an impact as field reporters Radio News Since 1950’s
Broadcast Media Talk Radio Since 1980’s Hosts mix interviews with their own commentary Tend to be highly partisan Limbaugh has 13+ million weekly listeners NPR
Internet Americans search sites of traditional media such as CBS, or the NY Times, but also new types of media Blogs Citizen Journalists Ordinary individuals who collect, report, and analyze news content
Affect On Public Officials How has electronic media affected the actions of public officials or candidates for national office? Social Media Effect on 2012 Election Romney v. Obama Politicker USA Insult Generator
Tweets During Debate #1
Sharing Information Government can share information with the media in a number of ways News Releases Ready made story prepared by officials for the press News Briefing Government officials make an announcement or explain a policy, decision, or action Press Conference News media questions government officials Backgrounders “Off the record” Leaks Release of secret information to the press by anonymous government officials