The Homeless And Discriminated
Church Groups Homeless Alcoholics Drug Addicts Ex-Prisoners Our Topics:
Homeless Homelessness is the condition and social category of people who lack housing, because they can’t afford or are otherwise unable to mantain regular, safe, and adequate shelter.
Main Reasons Lack of affordable housing Mental illness, drug abuse Poverty Natural Disasters Unemployment Forced eviction
Shelter In Public Places Vehicles Derelict structures Shantytowns Jail or prisons: they commit crimes to have food and shelter
Solutions Underground stations open at night (Rome) A warm structure in the park (Turin) Church open at night (Veneto) Fio.PSD (all Italy) City Angels …in Italy Associations…
Alcoholics They are people who consume enormus quantities of alcohol without being able to control themselves
Main Reasons Depression Family problems Influenced by people who drink a lot …and the main consequence??? …Addiction to alcohol
Associations Alcoholics Anonymus (international) Al-Anon and Alateen (international) Amarcord (international) Amici Anonimi (Italian) …and less known local associations
Drug Addicts They are people who can’t survive without the consumption of narcotic substances
Main Reasons…. …similar to the alcoholics ones (depression, familiar problems…) …Associations: CPA Volontari del Delfino
Ex-Prisoners There are a lot of people who work as volonteer with ex-prisoners to help them to get back into society …How many are they in Italy??? 6746 volonteers …Associations …AVP
Solutions …An example in Italy (Tuscany) the opportunity to attend university a period with tutors to help them in the get back work to build public structures
Church Groups Caritas It was created by Paolo VI in 1971 It aims to make people live in families, in communities with a common sense of solidarity …What is their purpose?
Made by: Valentina Casara Lucrezia Ciffo Alessandra Gorlini William Tallarico Riccardo Furlanetto Luca Recalcati Carola Potecchi Cinzia Torraco