January 29, 2010 SHRM Poll: Workplace Policies for Office Pools
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Definitions For the purpose of this survey: Gambling refers to office pools (e.g., Football games, March Madness, Oscars, Super Bowl, etc.). Fantasy sport refers to a game where participants act as owners to build a fantasy team online that competes against other fantasy owners) 2
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Does your organization have a written or unwritten policy addressing gambling in the workplace? 3 Note: For the purpose of the survey, gambling refers to office pools (football games, March Madness, Oscars, Super Bowl, etc.). “Not sure” responses were excluded from this analysis.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Does your organization’s gambling policy include the following? 4 Note: N/A responses were excluded from the analysis. In 2006 and 2008, respondents were allowed to select from multiple response options. “*” denotes that this option was combined with “**” option in 2006 and 2008.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 In the past 12 months, has your organization disciplined or terminated any employee for noncompliance of its gambling policy? 5 Note: N/A responses were excluded from the analysis. This question was not available in the 2006 survey.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Does your organization prohibit employees from taking part in fantasy sports (a game where participants act as owners to build an online fantasy team that competes against other fantasy owners) while at work? 6 Note: n = 242. “Not sure” responses were excluded from the analysis. “*
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 For which of the following events do employees at your company organize an office pool? 7 Note: n=150. Respondents were allowed to select multiple response. “*Other “ category includes NASCAR, NFL weekly pool, weekly Texas Hold 'Em tournaments, Biggest Loser TV show.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Generally speaking, would you say that office pools have a positive impact, negative impact or no impact on the following areas at your organization? 8 Note: n = 267
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Generally speaking, after a major televised event (e.g., Super Bowl, Oscars, Emmys, etc.) would you say the following increase, decrease or stay the same at your organization? 9 Note: n = 264
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Among which population of your organization do you usually see an increase in the… 10 Note: n = 27. Only respondents whose organization has seen an increase were included in the analysis.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Industry Industry Manufacturing—other17% Health care, social assistance (e.g., nursing homes, EAP providers)11% Retail/wholesale trade8% Other services (e.g., nonprofit, church/religious organizations)7% Financial services (e.g., banking)7% Services—professional, scientific, technical, legal, engineering6% Transportation, warehousing (e.g., distribution)4% Insurance4% Consulting4% Educational services/education3% Government/public administration—federal, state/local, tribal3% Construction, mining, oil and gas3% 11 Note: (n=272) Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Industry (continued) Industry High-tech3% Real estate, rental, leasing3% Services—accommodation, food and drinking places3% Association—professional/trade3% Telecommunications3% Publishing, broadcasting, other media1% Arts, entertainment, recreation1% Pharmaceutical1% Biotech1% Utilities1% Other3% 12 Note: (n=329) Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Sector 13 (n= 271)
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Staff Size 14 (n = 235)
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Region 15 (n = 260)
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Operations Location 16 (n = 271)
Workplace Policies for Office Pools | ©SHRM 2010 SHRM Poll: Workplace Policies for Office Pools Response rate = 13% Sample comprised of 280 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership Margin of error is +/- 5 Survey fielded January 13 – January 22, Methodology