Central Middle School Welcome
Morning Schedule 7:50-3:05 Enter CMS through student entry closest to the bus lane. Report to auxiliary gym Doors open at 7:10 7:25: library, breakfast, outside 7:40: students report to class 7:48: two-minute warning bell 7:50: first period begins!!
Daily Schedule (cont) CMS students assigned eight period day (lunch is one of the eight). Four core class: English, science, math, social studies. Connections (math/English focus) Two exploratory classes (art, life skills, physical education, health, industrial tech, gateway to technology, math lab, composition lab, etc.)
Exploratory Classes All nine week rotations (required over the course of two years): -art-health -Life Skills/Family and Consumer Science -Industrial Technology -Gateway to Technology -Production/Composition Lab -Math Lab -Percussion Performance -Strength and Agility -Physical Education
Electives: Students may elect to take the following: -band -strings -Spanish I (7 th and 8 th ) -French I (7 th and 8 th ) ##when appropriate students may test into higher level Spanish/French -Choir
Academic Teams-7th Seventh Grade Teams: -Patriots, Mavericks -CSA Extreme (on-line application) -Team Adventure (Academic challenge Team-testing process)
Academic Teams-8th Eighth Grade: -Quest, Team One -Team Adventure (AC Program) -Edge (CSA-application)
Athletics Football Volleyball Cross Country Tennis Track Wrestling Basketball Golf (club)
Co-Curricular Programs Spell Bowl Jazz Band Math Bowl English, science, math, social studies academic teams Intramurals Guitar club Solar Sprint Cars Beacon (several opportunities) CMS Theatre/Musicals
Student Drop Off/Pick Up Drop off/Pick up main parking lot- west side of building only Drop off no later than 7:45 and no sooner than 7:10 Never drop off on 7 th Street/Chestnut Supervisor will direct traffic to move forward in the parking lot drop off area (lots of traffic) Use extreme caution and patience!!!
Communications Parent Portal (ongoing updates) Mass (share your ) CMS Moodle Page/My Big Campus/CMS Web Page Monthly electronic newsletters Mid-terms, nine weeks grades (mailed) Team/Parent Conferences Admin/Counselor Conferences
Next Steps Check CMS web site for info. Sign up for PTO! Provide updated address, phone contact info. Use parent portal. August 1st, 12:00-6:00, student schedule distribution, locker assignment, information Aug. 1 st, 12-6: Health Screen Aug. 6 th, Open
Q and A Need to Know activity Please indicate what you need to know as you transition to Central Middle School (index cards). Leave with the teacher. Include address on index card for answers to above.