GO GATORS! Welcome Parents
The Focus of our Work Islander Stretch Goal Focus on a personalized learning environment ensuring a challenging, relevant, and engaging experience where every student is able to advance to a greater level of understanding, ability, and performance.
School Improvement Focus Classroom Environment Prioritizing relationships with students and families Establishing clear procedures and expectations that facilitate learning Engaging students in challenging and relevant learning opportunities Professional development with a continued focus on instructional strategies Developing strategies to meet the needs of our diverse school population.
Technology for 2015/16 All 8 th grade students will receive their iPads on Thursday, September 10 th All 7 th grade students will receive their iPads on Friday, September 11th. All 6 th grade students will receive their iPads on Thursday, September 17th. The priority for iPads is academic use both during class time and for homework purposes. Students may download apps from the school-monitored catalog. They may not sync iPads with personal iTunes accounts. Personal technology must be off and away during the school day.
Construction Update The new building is on pace to be complete and open for the 2016/2017 school year. Spaces are tight this year – we are looking for patience from kids, faculty and families. New parking lot with great turn lane and drop off area – yippee!!
Nuts and Bolts Student Drop-off and Pick-up Back of the school for parents Front of the school for busses Lockers for 7 th and 8 th Grade Students Please encourage your student to take a locker No backpacks in unsecured spaces including after school activities iPads for all students must always be secured Sign-ups for lockers will occur at lunch this week and all next week if needed
Overarching Student EXPECTATION GATOR Present yourself with Respect and Integrity and Do the right thing in Everything you do!
Dress Code Clothing that displays tobacco, drugs, alcohol. Obscenities, sexual innuendo, weapons or anything else staff staff deems unacceptable is not allowed. Hats and/or other head coverings will be removed when asked out of respect for adults or guests. Hats will not be worn to assemblies. If hats, or other items become a problem, they will be confiscated. Pants and shorts are not to be worn below the hips. No visible undergarments Shoulder straps must be at least two fingers wide. No midriff showing. Neckline must be above the armpits. Shorts and skirts must be where the palm meets the fingers. Shoes are to be worn at all times and appropriate shoes need to be worn on the turf field and in gym spaces.
End of School Day Expectations Students are welcome to stay after school as long as they are in a school-sponsored, supervised activity. If not, students need to leave campus upon the conclusion of the school day. (2:50 pm and 1:20 pm on Wed.)
Opportunities for kids to GET INVOLVED Club/Activities (possible examples may include) Math Club Art Club Robotics Club Gaming Club Drama Club Homework Center Math Help Computer Club Golf Club Natural Helpers Club Student Center Running Club Destination Imagination Club Sports Cross-Country (started 9/8) Volleyball (started 9/8) Wrestling (winter) Track (spring) Other ways to be involved Watching the games! Managers
WEB Where Everybody Belongs Objectives: To empower 8 th graders as role models for 6 th graders To develop leadership skills in students on our campus To allow successful older students to pass on positive traditions to younger students To transition 6 th grade students in a cohesive, fun and positive way To teach students that by working together they can be successful and enjoy one another To help create an even more supportive and positive atmosphere at IMS
6 th Grade Pizza Feed Thursday, September 10th: 5:00 – 6:45 pm MPR (lunchroom) All 6 th Grade Families Be prepared for a tight space on a hot evening...
2015 Curriculum Nights Curriculum nights are for parents to come and meet the teachers and learn about the academic program for the 15/16 school year. 7/8 Grade Curriculum Night- September 16th at 6:30pm 6 th Grade Curriculum Night- September 29 th at 6:30pm
Parent Involvement Opportunities... PTSA PAC Diversity Committee
New Staff at IMS
Sarah Gehan
Joseph Gushanas
Alyssa Hartle
Lainie Keper
Kat Mckenzie
Kristina Olafsson
Lisa Pezzella
Stephen Rennie
Russell Skurski
Thank You for Coming