Miss Quinn’s Owl Hoots August 21, 2015 Contact Info: (personal number) Cowan website: cowan.k12.in.us Next week’s Poem of the Week: I am Special Congratulations to: Maddy, Reagan, Epic, Jaxon, Delaney, and Dalton for memorizing this week’s poem! Letters of the Week: L, M, N, O, and P Monday, August th – Book Fair (our library day is on Monday if you want your child to buy a book) Monday, August 24- Cowan PTO ice cream and ideas 6:30-8:00 Friday, August 28 – Kindergarten parent work day Friday, August 28- First Scholastic Book order due! Friday, September 4 – School Pictures! Thank you for quickly returning the conference sign up sheet! If something comes up and you are no longer able to make your scheduled conference time, I would be more than happy to reschedule your time with you. Last Friday, our first scholastic book order went home. I have already had several parents order! Remember, this is a great way to not only put books in the hands of your child, but also help us earn books for our classroom. We earn points and money toward new books with each order! All orders for August need to be placed by noon on Friday, August 28 th ! An information sheet for the parent work day on the 28 th is going home today if you are a parent that signed up at Popsicles on the Playground to help. As a reminder there are 2 sessions. The first is from 8:00-11:00 and the second is from 11:30-2:00. You are invited to join us for lunch from 11:00-11:30 as well! Thank you in advance to all of those that will be joining us next Friday! If you did not sign up, but would like to come, please just send in a note and I will make sure an information sheet gets sent home to you! If your child rides a bus, please work on memorizing their bus number ASAP. At that point, we will be able to stop using the transportation stickers! Your child receives a gold strip for memorizing their lunch numbers. Please work with your child to memorize their lunch number as soon as possible. This makes lunch time easier for both the student and the teachers! This Monday, August 24th the PTO is hosting a new event called Cowan PTO Ice Cream & Ideas. This event will take place from 6:30- 8:00 in the elementary library area and feature opportunities for parent participation and volunteering throughout the year. In addition, the book fair will be open for parents and students to shop as well as opportunities to sign-up for Cowan Wrestling, Girl Scouts, and more. This week we began working more intensely on letters and sounds, as we used the text Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We did several letter activities as well! We began working on rhyming, and learned that rhyming are two words that sound the same at the end. Some friends are still confusing rhyming words with words that start with the same sound. This is an easy skill to practice quickly in places like the car, or just before bed time. I think our friends really enjoyed bringing a toy from home today that started with the same first sound as their name, but I am sure the highlight of most of our days this week was the coconut 5 senses party today! Our kindergarten classes enjoy doing this activity each year! Next week, we will be doing a thematic unit on teeth, and also begin our reading series. In Unit 1, we will be working on finding the main idea in the stories we read. When you read books at home, take a minute at the end of the book to discuss the main idea, or what the book was all about! Try to encourage your child to share the main idea of the story in just one sentence! In math next week, we will continue on with sorting. Occasionally, there will be a secret word hidden in our newsletters. If your child tells me the secret word: yellow on Monday, they will earn an extra golden strip for their pocket. Please remember to check our classroom website weekly as well for the Poem of the Week and other important and useful tools for our classroom! As a reminder, the website is cowan.k12.in.us Please be working with your child to memorize the poem each week! Have a great weekend!