Chapter Four Characters Ezeani – (e-ZEE-nee) priest of Ani, the earth goddess, who decided Okonkwo’s punishment Ojiugo – (o-JOO-go) youngest wife of Okonkwo Ezeudu – (e-ZOO-doo) oldest man in Umuofia Amadiora – (ah-ma-dee-OR-a) god of farming weather
Chapter Five Characters Ekwefi – (ek-WEE-fee) second wife of Okonkwo, former village beauty who left first husband to be with Okonkwo Ezinma – (e-ZEEN-ma) only daughter of Okonkwo and Ekwefi Obiageli – (oh-bya-JEL-ee) sister of Nwoye Nkechi – (en-KEE-chee) daughter of Okonkwo and Ojiugo
Chapter Six Characters Maduka – (ma-DOO-ka) teenage boy who showed skills at wrestling, son of Obierika Chielo – (CHEE-lo) priestess of Agbala, Oracle of the Hills and Caves, friend to Ekwefi
Analyze the following quotes: Those whose palm-kernels were cracked for them by a benevolent spirit should not forget to be humble. (p. 26) “I will not have a son who cannot hold up his head in the gathering of the clan. I would sooner strangle him. (p. 33) Nwoye’s younger brothers were about to tell their mother the story of the accident when Ikemefuna looked at them sternly and they held their peace. (p.43) Okonkwo sprang to his feet and quickly sat down again. (p. 47)
Homework due Wednesday Read Chapter 7 of Things Fall Apart. Write in your notebook two open-ended discussion questions for each chapter.