Annual Report to Mayor and Commissioners Haddon Township Environmental Commission
Members Maggi Liebe, Chair Peter Kroll, Vice Chair, CCMUA Maggi Downham, Secretary Jim Lex, CCIA Marlene Finizio Nicholas Boonin Christopher Squazzo, Liaison to Shade Tree Commission Gwenne Baile, Community Gardens Melissa Kendall
ANJEC GRANT The EC was awarded a $1,500 grant to prepare a map of the Township’s Recreational and Open Space Areas. Map was drawn by resident artist Mark Parker. Here the partially completed map is displayed for comment at the Block Party. The sketch was also used in the Township calendar.
Education and Outreach Table at the Haddon Township Block Party Table at the Green Event Available for School/Civic Speaking Events
Parks, Wildlife and Cleanups These were from last year! January: Sponsored and participated in Martin Luther King Day clean-up March: Clean-up of Peter’s Creek and Tidal March – West Collingswood Heights April: Earth Day clean-up event with Comcast at Newton Lake and the Historical Center Grounds May: Bettlewoods clean-up and tree plantings June: Lees Lane Woods Clean-up September: Crystal Lake and fields with Wrestling Team October: West Collingswood Heights Woods and Ballfield November: Edison Woods with Girl Scouts December: Participated and tabled at the Haddon Twp. PTA Holiday House Tour at the Environmental and Historical Center
Edison Woods
Cleanup Photos Here is where the clean up photos from last year should go. Comcast Cares Day??
Historical and Environmental Center Plan Proposed layout for the Center designed by John Nystedt of the Delaware Riverkeeper.
Historical and Environmental Center Plan
Partnerships (last years!!) Partnered with the Green Team to host National Wildlife Day at Environmental and Historical Center in September. Sponsored Arbor Day Tree Planting Event - Shade Tree Commission Rain Garden at Van Sciver Elementary School in Partnership with Delaware Riverkeeper Network and SWCA Partnered with SWCA’s volunteer events for Earth Day, Trails Day and Fall Stewardship Day Supported Space Shuttle Tree Planting at Saddler’s Woods The Green Team reorganized to become Sustainable Haddon Township and became a subcommittee of the EC Participated in reorganization meetings of Newton Creek Watershed Association
Workshops and Forums
Community Gardens! The Commmunity Gardens project was a big success. All plots were sold and ………………………… Insert a photo!
Workshops and Forums Open House Saturdays at Environmental and Historical Center continued through These open houses will be held every third Saturday from 1 – 5 p.m., and will feature presentations by participating organizations and speakers.
Workshops and Forums SWCA hosts children’s education programs at Center and in Saddler’s Woods
Planning Board Reviews Reviewed numerous plans and application to suggest increases in open space, revisions in plantings, less impervious surfaces, and environmental design changes. Made continuous revisions to Open Space Inventory
Saddlers Woods Stuff
Shade Tree Stuff
Saddlers Woods Bike Trail? Photo
Wish List and Goals Improvements in cooperation with Public Works of New Jersey Avenue Park, Edison Woods, and the West Collingswood Heights Woods. Improvements to grounds of Environmental Center including boardwalks, paths and parking lot demarcation, and exterior improvements such as siding and wall repairs. Continue to improve exhibits and displays in the Center for increased visitorship. Safe School path from the High School to MacDonalds access road Restoration of Greenhouses at High School Safe Routes to School program
Wish List and Goals (cont.) Completed Chicken Ordinance Report and delivered to Planning Board. Successful first season of Community Garden program (Champion School) Saddler’s Woods Habitat and Trail Restoration in cooperation with SWCA Support SWCA’s pursuit of grants from agencies such as REI, William G. Rohrer Charitable Foundation, and National Fish and Wildlife Work with Diocese to repair and restore outfall pipe discharging into Saddler’s Run Improve Communication among the commission, public works, and Key engineers to adequately provide input into township projects and plans.