Friday January 23
LUNCH Pizza, Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Strips w/Roll, Garden Salad w/Turkey & Cheese, Whole Kernel Corn, California Blend, Orange
BREAKFAST Monday January 26 Available Daily: Cereal, Grab–N-Go Bags, Fresh Apples & Oranges, Orange Juice, Milk Waffles
Sidney Chapman Travis Glenn Calloway Anderson Rodney Borsh
Sal Angelica 1/22 Rachael McGaha 1/25 Curt Miller 1/25
Senior Lunch January 30 th 3 Slices of pizza and adrink ONLY $6 Orders due in the Learning Center by 1/29
Send your Valentine a message in the newspaper for $1. Pick up order forms from room 116.
Slushies are on sale at lunch Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Pink Lemonade $2.00 each
D RIVER ’ S L ICENSE I NFORMATION You need a Certificate of Attendance in order to get your Learners Permit and Drivers License. It is available in the front office and once requested, will be ready the following school day. You need a Certificate of Attendance in order to get your Learners Permit and Drivers License. It is available in the front office and once requested, will be ready the following school day.
PROM MAY 2, Fathoms
school website print, complete, get signatures by 3/20 PROM 2015 Tickets are now on sale! Details and required forms are on school website Main page, then Activities, then Prom; print, complete, get signatures, and purchase tickets! Purchase by 3/20 for the best deal. READ CAREFULLY for a chance to win $$$!
January Senior Reminders Jan.6 Senior Fees $ (Learning Center- LC) Jan.21 Advisement Jan.24 SAT Jan.30 Senior Lunch (Papa John’s Pizza) ….must pay by noon January 29 (LC) Jan.30 Balfour representative will be in the Commons during lunch to take final orders for graduation announcements Jan.31 Announcements…last day to order online at regular prices and be shipped to school for pickup
Senior Spirit Wear Hoodies on SALE for $25 in the Learning Center while supplies last
Henry County Foundation Scholarship Deadline: January 31, 2015 This is a renewable scholarship worth $1,000s! Applications in Guidance Office
AP Studio Art students are having a mid-year show in the Learning Center, featuring art by Samantha Tomasi, Sarah Stallings, Karrie Jackson, and Taryn Green
Ola High SHOWCASE Monday January 26 6:00 Career Fair 6:30 Parent Meeting in Gym 7:00 Information Sessions 6:00 Career Fair 6:30 Parent Meeting in Gym 7:00 Information Sessions AP/Honors HOPE Scholarship Class Registration PSAT/PLAN Score Interpretation We want you and your parents here! So much information will be given out this night, you don’t want to miss it! We want you and your parents here! So much information will be given out this night, you don’t want to miss it!
Interested in Dual Enrollment? Interested in Dual Enrollment? Meet with DE College Representative from Meet with DE College Representative from Clayton State, Southern Crescent, or Gordon State By signing up in the Counseling Office by January 30 th
Need Advice? Ask Amy! Submit your questions in room 116 and check the newspaper on 2/12 for replies
Are You A Strong Writer? Yearbook Staff Needs You! Pick up an application for next year’s staff at room 222. Applications Due No Later Than 2/4 at 4pm.
Are You A Great Photographer? Yearbook Staff Needs You! Pick up an application for next year’s staff at room 222. Applications Due No Later Than 2/4 at 4pm.
Are You A Graphic Designer? Yearbook Staff Needs You! Pick up an application for next year’s staff at room 222. Applications Due No Later Than 2/4 at 4pm.
Are You Yearbook Staff Needs You! Pick up an application for next year’s staff at room 222. Applications Due No Later Than 2/4 at 4pm. A Budding Entrepreneur?
It’s not too late, to sign up for Ethnic Studies (African American History). This class is for ALL students that have a desire to learn about the African American experience in America from a historical perspective. It deals with the time periods of 1400a.d. in Africa to present day. You will delve into the social, political, financial, as well as personal accounts if life from a historical perspective. Open debates, supplemental resources, interesting fact finding, and projects with relevance to self will keep you occupied and thirsty for more Sign up with your counselor during registration. This is a Social Studies Elective for 11th & 12th grade students.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY Meets Friday January 16, :45 a.m. Room 228 ALL MEMBERS PLEASE ATTEND For reminder texts: Text to 81010
(HOSA: Future Health Professionals) Next Meeting: Wednesday. January 21 st 7:45am & 3:40pm-- Room 813
Bible Club Meeting: Every Wednesday 7:45 AM In Learning Center Conference Room
If you intend to tryout for golf see Coach Sewell in Room 223
January 24 Starrs Mill 2:30 & 4:00 Girls & Boys
January 30th vs. Union Grove 4:00/5:30 Boys & Girls
Varsity Wrestling January 23 & 24 North Metro Invitational Brookwood JV Wrestling January 23 rd Brookwood
January 24 East Coweta Invite Summit YMCA Newnan, GA