Do we need to shower after PE? A shower is not required after PE.
If I do not have my uniform for PE, may I still participate? No, a PAMS PE uniform is required to participate and students lose points from their grade when no uniform is worn.
Are there any sports that do not require a physical? No physical is required for: Academic Challenge, One-Act Play, Debate, and Forensics.
How much time do we have to travel between class changes? Class changes are 5 minutes. Students are only allowed to visit lockers 4 times per day: in the morning before 1 st block, after 1st block, before 5 th block, and after dismissal.
What if we are late to class? The tardy policy for 1 st offense is a teacher warning, 2 nd offense is a detention, 3 rd offense is two detentions, and a 4 th offense is a referral to the office.
May I share a locker? Lockers may not be shared. Each student receives his/her own locker and combinations must be kept confidential.
Do we have assigned seats at lunch? Yes and no. Grade 6 students must sit on an assigned side of the cafeteria, but may choose any table within that area. Students must be seated first, and once seated, may only get up to get lunch and to throw away trash.
How much time do we have for lunch? Lunch is a 30 minute period.
May we play more than one sport during the year? Students may participate in up to four sports, one each season.
What sports are available each season? Fall Sports: football, boys & girls soccer, cheerleading, and debate Winter Sports Session I: boys & girls basketball and academic challenge Winter Sports Session II: wrestling and one-act play Spring Sports: softball, baseball, boys & girls track, forensics, and field hockey in the spring.
What eligibility requirements are there for sports? Students in grade 6 must earn a 2.0 or C average after the first semester to remain eligible for sports.
Are rolling back packs allowed? Rolling backpacks are not allowed. They do not fit in lockers and they pose a safety issue in halls.
How will I know I got the elective I wanted? Schedules were mailed to students on August 18. Due to space restrictions and staff reductions, students may or may not have received their requested electives. Requests for changes will not be granted.
What happens if I lose my planner? Students must purchase a new planner for $8.00 is they lose the school issued planner.
What happens if I get lost and cannot find my way to a class? Teachers/adults are in the hall to direct students who are unable to find a room. Planners have maps located on the backs to assist students with travel.
How much do PE uniforms cost and when may we buy them? PE uniforms are sold during Open House, and the first week of school during PE class. The new uniform style may be purchased for $18 while the older uniform style may be purchased for $10 while supplies last.
What happens if we lose a textbook? If a student loses a textbook, the teacher will issue an assessment and the student must purchase a replacement text.
Are student IDs issued? Students are issued picture IDs in the fall. The photo ID is used for checking out books in the library.
How long may we keep books checked out from the library? Students may keep books which have been checked out of the library for a period of two weeks, and books may be renewed.
In what clubs/activities may students participate? Students may participate in a host of club/activities which are listed in the student handbook. Activities include social diversity club, SCA, yearbook, environmental club, jazz band, dance team, and step team to mention a few.
What are Princess Anne Middle’s school colors and what is our mascot? Princess Anne Middle’s colors are navy blue, gold, and white. Our school mascot is the Panther.