WLE Operations Update Emma Greatrix 11 March 2013 WLE Management Committee Meeting
Reporting on 2012 Planning for 2013 Operations Team News WLE Program Documents ToRs Current Operational Priorities Timelines
Reporting on Detailed documentation from partners –Reports received from all partners –Now being compiled by SRP for review by SRP Leaders –Deliverables being checked against 2012 plans (MvB) –Next: feedback to partners from Ops/MvB & SRP Leaders. WG ? –How to make best use of this detailed info? Recommendations? 2.WLE Program Report to CO (due 8 April 2013) –MvB & EG to compile relevant info from partners into this report –Will ask for comment/ contributions from MC 3.‘Glossy’ annual report –Part of WLE Corporate materials portfolio
Report to Consortium Office CGIAR Reporting Template for 2012 and 2013_final_WLE.docx CGIAR Reporting Template for 2012 and 2013_final_WLE.docx Synthesis of the two most significant achievements/success stories in the year (gender disaggregated) (1 ½ page) In narrative, summarize and highlight major successes in the progress towards outputs; provide links to additional descriptions of these achievements. Refer to indicators (1 ½ page) In narrative, summarise and highlight major successes in the progress towards outcomes/objectives (1/4 page) If/when relevant major contributions towards understanding impact and impact per se should be summarized, with a web link to more detailed documents
Timetable for CO report Deadline Friday 15 th March Send relevant partner reports to each SRP Leader for feedback Martin Monday 18 th March Send rough draft of CO report narrative to MC & Ops Team for input Emma Weds 20 th March Send completed program level indicator tables to MC & Ops Team for review Martin Monday 1 st AprilMC/Ops Team send all feedback to Emma & MartinAll Thursday 4 th AprilSend final version to teamEmma Friday 5 th Return any final commentsAll Monday 8 th AprilProofread Submit final version to CO Michael/Martina Andrew
Planning for Center activity plans –Received from all partners –Reviews received from all SRP Leaders –Now being compiled for feedback –Partners will not amend 2013 plans, but WLE will not accept poorly mapped/ ‘ill-fitting’ activities in WLE POWB WLE Plan of Work and Budget 2013 Final 2.doc –Submitted 15 Feb –Gender component – GPI strategy TBD, inc. budget –Narrative highlights flagships, AC’s as business units –Breakdown of budget by SRP –Clusters of milestones/activities against each AC
WLE Operations Team News –Communications Coordinator Michael remains with WLE for 2013 (50%) –MEL Coordinator Selection made, negotiations in progress –GPI Coordinator Nicoline from 4 March –Program Support Scientist Martin will continue in this role in 2013 –Supporting IDO/IP development, uptake and overall strategy Elizabeth Weight (60%) –Support to flagships/ rolling out WLE at regional level Alain Vidal (30%) –Developing full suite of JDs for team
Engagement, Communications & Knowledge Management Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning system (link to performance management) Gender strategy Partnership strategy Capacity building strategy Implementation/ Operations plan WLE program documents
MC, Ops Team & SRP/WG Leaders ToRs: Notes & Clarifications WLE MC ToR_ docx SRP_WG TOR doc WLE Operations Team_ docx WLE MC ToR_ docxSRP_WG TOR docWLE Operations Team_ docx SRP Leaders –‘functions’ rather than responsibilities – same for all ToRs –Added para on funding (ie Centers covering main costs, with WLE providing a small operational budget) –Used CRP2 format to restructure but with more detail –Q: Move publications out of key functions – leave in as optional or remove altogether? MC –Concerns over implication that MC is ‘responsible’ – see line on Lead Center/ recommendations –Request to add sample activity for resource persons (and note that title is strange) –Toned down line about ensuring highest scientific quality (cannot review Center publications ) & ‘ensures’ throughout document –I will amend the organogram once we are happy with it (so that ESSR/GPI are crosscutting) –Q: ’Do WG leaders have a responsibility for inclusion?’ Ops –‘GIP fits better as a working group under the SRP/WG TOR’. Agree but we also have GPI coordinator as member of Ops Team. She is responsible for GPI strategy. WG to be formed
Current Operational Priorities CO Annual report (internal) WLE Annual report (‘glossy’) Contracting/ amendments (PPAs, SRP Leadership, grants (eg. Opportunity Fund…) Management/ info sharing platform (SharePoint) Process for allocation of c. $900k
ToRs/JDs for WLE bodies & individuals 2014: Process for developing 2014 plans –Fostering new & relevant activities –Allocation of funding –Link to MEL/Performance management –Online planning & reporting Current Operational Priorities