Games in Organic Chemistry: Edufrag and Wheel of Orgo Jean-Claude Bradley E-Learning Coordinator College of Arts and Sciences Drexel University August 2, 2006 Biennial Conferences on Chemical Education
Content Assessment Interaction Blogs CMS Games E-Learning is multi-dimensional
The Game Platform: The EduFrag Project AssessmentContent Interaction Quizzes in a 3- D world The Study Room Student-Student Collaboration or Competition Instructor Guided Tours First Person Shooter Modding (Unreal Tournament)
EduFrag Design Modularity Simplicity Quiz-Based – Not Simulation Portability of textures Flexible gameplay modes: non-competitive maze, race, deathmatch, capture the flag, king of the hill, etc. Even in competitive play gore level can be adjusted for each player
Platform: game (Unreal Tournament) One map – walking through walls First implementation Copy WebCT quizzes
One map problem: lighting and peeking
Some initial student feedback (Avik)
The teleporter solution: one room template (Mike Aquino)
3D editor view of one room template
MakeGames: The Class that Didn’t Run
Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Open Courseware and RSS
The Free Educational Version of Unreal Tournament
EduFrag without weapons: a maze that can be used as in a virtual race study room testing rooms final room true false
The Study Room
A Quiz Room
The last room of the maze
Prizes not points for winner One chance in 4 for winning: Video ipod Chemistry book Molecular model set Consolation prize
The new 20 room weapons map of EduFrag
The EduFrag Wiki and Blog: Open Source Collaboration
EduFrag Flickr group: tag true or false
EduFrag door requirements: 256 x 256 pixel 256 color bitmaps (easy with Paint) Must be named in the format true001.bmp and false001.bmp Must be true or false in any context Minimize text - Simple Graphics best
Overwrite folders to change mazes
EduFrag for learning grammar ( Beth Ritter-Guth)
EduFrag for learning chem info retrieval ( Tim Siftar/Jay Bhatt)
EduFrag for learning the class FAQ
EduFrag for learning the physics and math (Quinn Thomas)
EduFrag as poster session (Allison Lucci)
EduFrag as a recruitment tool
Wheel of Orgo Rules: Teacher draws starting material and final product at opposite ends of a page Students take turns drawing any reaction from starting material (or branch) OR to final product (or branch) 1 point for correct reaction 3 points for completing synthesis Students may pass their turn Generally use a time limit (45 minutes) Can be played on chalkboard, Smartboard or TabletPC
Modifications Open book/web or closed book/web Give a point for correcting another student’s error Allow more than one step Give prize Give a point just for an attempt even if incorrect If too many students passing their turn do a simpler synthesis
Example Lecture 015: Wheel of orgo 1
First Play
Mid Play
Cat Synthesis Problem Lecture 028: Wheel of orgo 5
Opportunity to Contextualize Organic Lecture 028: Wheel of orgo 5