By: Angela Breault
Girls ages 7-18 years old getting forced into marriage to a much older man This type of social injustice affects the female children Rekha Kalinda was one of these females she was only 12 years old Most of the females in India at the age of 12 and older get arranged marriage with an older man This is a running tradition in families in India
Rekha Kalinda denied the marriage her parents arranged for her Rekha’s refusal helped many girls in the same situation as her The president even heard about Rekah and her refusal of marriage Rekha told her father “This is my age of studying in school, and I didn’t want to marry.”
Rekha denying her father was the first major thing that started this whole project Many friends, teachers, and administrators helped Rekha accomplish something the law couldn’t Two other girls denied marriage which helped start up The Purulia program
This incident helped many girls out of marrying early Helped their education, the girls were able to go back to school Saved many babies Many of the babies wouldn’t have survive Saved many of the 7 to 18 year old girls childhood Saved the girls from getting beaten by their husbands
Rekha isn’t much younger than me Many girls my age are getting forced into marriage Rekha had the guts to stand up to her father, she was very brave She helped many girls out of the horrible childhood She helped many girls still have a childhood