Slides: Implantation and Embryonic & Fetal Development
1 pronuclei Zona
2 Polar Body Blastomere
3 Zona Blastomeres
4 Zona Blastomeres early blastocyst ‘hatching’ from zona Zona degrading
5 Inner Cell Mass Trophoblast Blastocyst
6 uterine gland endometrium implanting conceptus
7 syncytio- trophoblast lacunae embryonic disc
8 lacunar networkamnionembryonic disc yolk sac cytotrophoblast
9 lacunar networkamnionembryonic disc yolk sac chorion
10 intervillous space = lacunar network connecting stalkembryonic disc yolk sac chorionchorionic villi
11 epiblast mesoderm endoderm The Embryonic Disc
12 primitive streak connecting stalk embryonic disc yolk sac chorion
13 amnion ectoderm endodermnotochord mesoderm
14 brain connecting stalk umbilical cord somites yolk sacchorion heart pharynx
15 umbilical cord amnion forebrain yolk sac heart pharyngeal arches somites
16 apical ectodermal ridge (AER) Limb bud limb mesoderm
17 umbilical cord amnion yolk sacchorionic villi
18 amnion umbilical cord umbilical hernia: intestines Crown-Rump length 30 mm = 1.25 inch
19 Placenta = villous chorionamnionsmooth chorion Crown-Rump length: 93 mm = 3.5 inches